
QuickEdit mode can be useful if you wish to quickly highlight and copy text directly from the command prompt instead of redirecting output to a file. However, it has its drawbacks. If you have a batch script running, selecting text in the console will pause the script execution until the text is deselected. This can be a problem if the script is expected to continue without pause.

How can one disable QuickEdit mode for certain BATCH scripts?

War es hilfreich?

Lösung 3

Unfortunately, there is no way to edit the QuickEdit setting of the current CMD Console instance from command line. We can, however, temporarily disable the global QuickEdit setting and start a new console instance. There are a couple ways to do this, each with its own perks (pros) and drawbacks (cons). Both of the following solutions require the ability to modify the registry.


    • PRO: Compatible with any common Windows system
    • CON: Requires the creation of temporary REG files

    • Code (goes at the beginning of your script):

      if exist "%TEMP%\consoleSettingsBackup.reg" regedit /S "%TEMP%\consoleSettingsBackup.reg"&DEL /F /Q "%TEMP%\consoleSettingsBackup.reg"&goto :mainstart
      regedit /S /e "%TEMP%\consoleSettingsBackup.reg" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console"
      echo REGEDIT4>"%TEMP%\disablequickedit.reg"
      echo [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console]>>"%TEMP%\disablequickedit.reg"
      (echo "QuickEdit"=dword:00000000)>>"%TEMP%\disablequickedit.reg"
      regedit /S "%TEMP%\disablequickedit.reg"
      DEL /F /Q "%TEMP%\disablequickedit.reg"
      start "" "cmd" /c "%~dpnx0"&exit
  2. REG

    • PRO: Does not require creation of temp files
    • CON: Not available on Windows 2000 and earlier without Resource Kit
    • CON: Different versions have different syntax (accounted for in code below)

    • Code (goes at the beginning of your script):

      set reg50=::&set reg51=::&(reg /?>nul 2>&1 && set reg51=)
      if %errorlevel%==5005 set reg50=
      set qkey=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console&set qprop=QuickEdit
      %reg51%if defined qedit_val (echo y|reg add "%qkey%" /v "%qprop%" /t REG_DWORD /d %qedit_val%&goto :mainstart)
      %reg50%if defined qedit_val (reg update "%qkey%\%qprop%"=%qedit_val%&goto :mainstart)
      %reg51%for /f "tokens=3*" %%i in ('reg query "%qkey%" /v "%qprop%" ^| FINDSTR /I "%qprop%"') DO set qedit_val=%%i
      %reg50%for /f "tokens=3*" %%i in ('reg query "%qkey%\%qprop%"') DO set qedit_val=%%i
      if "%qedit_val%"=="0" goto :mainstart
      if "%qedit_val%"=="0x0" goto :mainstart
      %reg51%echo y|reg add "%qkey%" /v "%qprop%" /t REG_DWORD /d 0
      %reg50%if "%qedit_val%"=="" reg add "%qkey%\%qprop%"=0 REG_DWORD
      %reg50%if "%qedit_val%"=="1" reg update "%qkey%\%qprop%"=0
      start "" "cmd" /c set qedit_val=%qedit_val% ^& call "%~dpnx0"&exit

If you have another solution, feel free to post.

Andere Tipps

A way that will affect the current command prompt session.

Here's quickEdit.bat . It is a self-compiled .net script so it requires .net installed (not installed by default on Winsows XP/2003).



 quickEdit  1


 quickEdit  2

Get State:

 quickEdit  3

Already answered here, update "QuickMode" setting in Windows Registry:

reg add HKCU\Console /v QuickEdit /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

However it will not affect currently opened window. But you can reopen a window:

:: Get QuickEdit Mode setting from Windows Registry
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=3*" %%A IN (`REG QUERY "HKCU\Console" /v QuickEdit`) DO (
  set quickEditSetting=%%A %%B

if %quickEditSetting%==0x1 (
  :: Disable QuickEdit Mode
  reg add HKCU\Console /v QuickEdit /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

  :: Open script in a new Command Prompt window
  start "" "%~dpnx0" %* && exit

... script logic here ...

Additional info about HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console Registry configuration -

Slight update for option 1 that worked for me, that doesn't run it twice, on Win10, thanks.

if exist "c:\temp\consoleSettingsBackup.reg" regedit /S "c:\temp\consoleSettingsBackup.reg" & DEL /F /Q "c:\temp\consoleSettingsBackup.reg" & goto START
regedit /S /e "c:\temp\consoleSettingsBackup.reg" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console"
reg add "HKCU\Console" /v QuickEdit /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
start "" "cmd" /c ""%~dpnx0" & exit"

rem your commands\scripts here

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