
I'm running into a bizarre problem trying to establish a non-conventional folder structure for my MVC project:


My plan is to have 1 controller in each sub folder, along with associated views/viewmodels folders. I prefer not to have a /Controllers/ folder which will only ever contain a single class.

For testing purposes I am manually routing like this:

routes.MapRoute("whocares", "Franchises/Compliance/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            new { controller = "FeesPaid", 
                  action = "Index", 
                  id = UrlParameter.Optional });

I run into mysterious behavior. These URLs route correctly:


But this URL fails with "The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory" error:


I found this only occurs when the Controller name matches the folder name (minus "*Controller"). So fudging the controller name to something else makes it work:



Why would a controller & folder having matching names cause it to fail when the URL relies on default action & id?


On investigation it turns out that IIS is routing the request to DirectoryListingModule instead of MVC, so it's not even reaching MVC routing.

I have tried the following to no avail:

  <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"  >  <--- attribute added
    <remove name="FormsAuthenticationModule"/>

  <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"  >
    <remove name="FormsAuthenticationModule"/>
    <remove name="DirectoryListingModule"/>    <--- Fails to start web app with "lock violation"

How can I force IIS to route these requests to MVC instead of DirectoryListingModule? Preferably without IIS configuration changes I may not have control over in production.

War es hilfreich?


Thanks for everyone's comments.

Further investigation has lead me to post another question here:

How to disable or reprioritize IIS DirectoryListingModule under MVC module?

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