
I use a fileReference.browse() to select an image file from the harddrive.

How can I load the selected image on DataGrid column?



My coding is here:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
           minWidth="955" minHeight="600">

        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

        public var loadFile:FileReference; 
        private var arrayCollection : ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection ();

        private function onBrowseButtonClicked(event : MouseEvent) : void
            loadFile = new FileReference();
            loadFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectHandler);
            var fileFilter:FileFilter = new FileFilter("Images: (*.jpeg, *.jpg, *.gif, *.png)", "*.jpeg; *.jpg; *.gif; *.png");

        private function selectHandler(event:Event):void

            loadFile.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadCompleteHandler);



        private var data:ByteArray;
        private function loadCompleteHandler(event:Event):void
            var as FileReference;
            employeeImage.source = data;

        private function storeInputs(event:MouseEvent) : void
                name : employeeName.text, 
                id : employeeID.text,
                email : employeeEmail.text,
                gender : genderOption.selectedValue,
                address : employeeAddress.text,
                img : data


    <s:RadioButtonGroup id="genderOption"/>


<mx:HDividedBox width="100%" height="100%">
    <s:Panel id="mainPanel" title="Employee Details" height="100%" width="50%">
        <s:Form id="mainForm" height="100%" width="100%" left="10%" right="10%" top="10%">
            <s:FormItem id="nameLabel" label="Employee Name">
                <s:TextInput id="employeeName" />
            <s:FormItem id="idLabel" label="Embloyee ID">
                <s:TextInput id="employeeID" maxChars="6"/>
            <s:FormItem id="emailLabel" label="Email">
                <s:TextInput id="employeeEmail" />
            <s:FormItem id="genderLabel" label="Gender">                
                    <s:RadioButton group="{genderOption}" label="Male" id="male" />
                    <s:RadioButton group="{genderOption}" label="Female" id="female"/>

            <s:FormItem id="addressLabel" label="Address">
                <s:TextArea id="employeeAddress"/>
            <s:FormItem id="imageLabel" label="Image">
                    <s:TextInput id="employeeImageName"/>
                    <s:Image id="employeeImage" height="100" width="100"/>
                    <s:Button id="imageButton" label="Browse" click="onBrowseButtonClicked(event)"/>
                    <s:HorizontalLayout gap="10"/>
                <s:Button id="submitButton" label="Submit" click="storeInputs(event)"/>                 

    <s:DataGrid width="100%" height="100%" dataProvider="{arrayCollection}" id="employeeGrid" variableRowHeight="true">
                <s:GridColumn headerText="Name" dataField="name" />
                <s:GridColumn headerText="ID" dataField="id"/>
                <s:GridColumn headerText="Email" dataField="email"/>
                <s:GridColumn headerText="Gender" dataField="gender" />
                <s:GridColumn headerText="Address" dataField="address" itemEditor="mx.controls.TextArea"/>
                <s:GridColumn headerText="Employee" dataField="img">
                                    <s:Image id="image" source="" />


Here, all the controls are worked well in form. I could get the image and i could load the selected image on the image control. But I couldn't display the image in the DataGrid column when the submit button was clicked. This is my problem.

War es hilfreich?

Lösung 2

I did It

                name : employeeName.text, 
                id : employeeID.text,
                email : employeeEmail.text,
                gender : genderOption.selectedValue,
                qual : getCheckBoxexValues(),
                address : employeeAddress.text,

In grid

<s:GridColumn headerText="Employee" id="imageColumn" dataField="imageData" >
                                <s:Image id="image"  width="120" height="80" source="{data.imageData}"  visible="true" />

Thank you

Andere Tipps

It can be done using flex custom itemrenderer. I've found a tutorial for you here . Gives a detailed explanation.

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