
Given the entities: Topics and Subscriptions with many-to-many relationship and the corresponding tables: Topics, Subscriptions, TopicsSubscriptions, I want to delete only one row from TopicsSubscriptions using EF, but without loading any extra data (except of maybe only 1 topic and 1 subscription).

In the end I want EF to generate similar SQL to this:

exec sp_executesql N'delete [dbo].[TopicSubscriptions]
where (([TopicId] = @0) and ([SubscriptionId] = @1))',N'@0 int,@1 int',@0=1,@1=2

I have LazyLoading set to false.

I thought I could take the answer from here: How to delete many-to-many relationship in Entity Framework without loading all of the data.

var db = new TopicDBEntities(); var topic = db.Topics.FirstOrDefault(x => x.TopicId == 1);

// Get the subscription you want to delete var subscription =
db.Subscriptions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SubscriptionId == 2);

// !!! This line does not work for me (Attach to ICollection<> ?!?) !!!
topic.Subscriptions.Attach(subscription); // Attach it (theObjectContext now 'thinks' it belongs to the topic)

topic.Subscriptions.Remove(subscription); // Remove it
db.SaveChanges(); // Flush changes

But then I realized there is no Attach method belonging to ICollection<>... unless I am missing something.

Idea of attaching only one subscription to a topic sounds good, but I cannot understand how to achieve it.

I am using DbContext instead of ObjectContext and Entity Framework 6 but I guess it should not matter.

EDIT: Would be good to find a solution without stored procedures, or direct sql, if possible, since I have to support many database back-ends in my app.

In case I was not clear enough, I don't need to delete the entities, I just need to remove the association between them.

War es hilfreich?


As Slauma was also saying in his comments, the solution was to attach entities as "dannie.f" did in his answer :

var db = new TopicDBEntities();

var topic = new Topic { TopicId = 1 };
var subscription = new Subscription { SubscriptionId = 2};

// Attach the topic and subscription as unchanged 
// so that they will not be added to the db   
// but start tracking changes to the entities

// Remove the subscription
// EF will know that the subscription should be removed from the topic

// commit the changes

Andere Tipps

Assuming you've mapped it so that you can't directly reference TopicSubscriptions, and only Topics and Subscriptions, the following applies.

// Add a subscription to a topic
var subscription = dbContect.Subscriptions.Find(2);
var topic = dbContext.Topics.Find(1);

// Recommend checking here, but omitted for example

// Make the association

// Update

To remove a subscription from a Topic

// Remove

// Update

If you know the Ids however and want to remove it directly, I recommend a simple StoredProcedure on the database accepting @topicId and @subscriptionId and removing the entry in TSQL.

@topicId INT,
@subscriptionId INT

DELETE FROM [dbo].[TopicSubscriptions] WHERE TopicId = @topicId AND SubscriptionId = @subscriptionId;

You can then map the StoredProcedure to EF6 and call it from your context.

using (DbContext dbContext = new DbContext())
dbContext.DeleteTopicSubscriptionStoredProcedure(topicId, subscriptionId);

EDIT Given only the SP option works (apologies for missing Lazy-Loading false), you can alternatively execute SQL directly from dbContext.

using (var dbContext = new DbContext())
string sql = @"DELETE FROM [dbo].[TopicSubscriptions] WHERE TopicId = @p0 AND SubscriptionId = @p1";
context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, topicId, subscriptionId);

I would suggest letting entity framework handle the deletion by declaring cascade on delete in the fluent api like this;

            .HasOptional(p => p.Category)

the full solution is outlined here.

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