
Ich versuche derzeit, die Yahoo -API direkt mit PHP zu verwenden. Ich benutze das bereits OAuth-Php Bibliothek mit etwas Google -API und es funktioniert wie ein Zauber.

Aber die Yahoo-API mag keine Autorisierungsheader, die OAuth-Php verwendet. Ich sehe, dass der Pecl OAuth die Option zur Auswahl des Sendens des Autorisierungsparameters hat, aber kein Äquivalent in der fast nicht existierenden Dokumentation von OAuth-Php finden kann. Meine Frage ist also: Ist es möglich, diese Methode mit OAuth-Php auszuwählen, oder sollte ich an einem Patch arbeiten?

Bearbeiten: Ändern Sie den Titel, um die Hauptursache des Problems zu widerspiegeln.

War es hilfreich?


Falls es einer anderen verlorenen Seele helfen kann, habe ich sie endlich bekommen. So speichert OAuth-Php Token in einem Varchar (64) -Feld in der Tabelle oAuth_consumer_Token. Zumindest in der herunterladbaren R175 -Version; Es wurde in der R188 -Quelle des Installationsprogramms in VARCHAR (255) geändert.

Aber Yahoo !'s Token ist viel länger als das (zumindest 790 Bytes), was bedeutet, dass Sie die Tabellenstruktur ändern müssen, um das Colum oct_Token als Text zu haben. Und um dies zu tun, müssen Sie einen Fremdschlüssel als Index fallen lassen.

Modifizierte Bibliothek/Store/MySQL/mysql.sql:

# Datamodel for OAuthStoreMySQL
# You need to add the foreign key constraints for the user ids your are using.
# I have commented the constraints out, just look for 'usa_id_ref' to enable them.
# The --SPLIT-- markers are used by the install.php script
# @version $Id$
# @author Marc Worrell

# Changes:
# 2011-02-25
#           ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_token MODIFY oct_token varchar(255) binary not null;
#           ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_token MODIFY oct_token_secret varchar(255) binary not null;
# 2010-09-15
#      ALTER TABLE oauth_server_token MODIFY ost_referrer_host varchar(128) not null default '';
# 2010-07-22
#      ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_registry DROP INDEX ocr_consumer_key;
#      ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_registry ADD UNIQUE ocr_consumer_key(ocr_consumer_key,ocr_usa_id_ref,ocr_server_uri)
# 2010-04-20 (on 103 and 110)
#           ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_registry MODIFY ocr_consumer_key varchar(128) binary not null;
#           ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_registry MODIFY ocr_consumer_secret varchar(128) binary not null;
# 2010-04-20 (on 103 and 110)
#       ALTER TABLE oauth_server_token ADD ost_verifier char(10);
#       ALTER TABLE oauth_server_token ADD ost_callback_url varchar(512);
# 2008-10-15 (on r48) Added ttl to consumer and server tokens, added named server tokens
#      ALTER TABLE oauth_server_token
#      ADD ost_token_ttl datetime not null default '9999-12-31',
#      ADD KEY (ost_token_ttl);
#      ALTER TABLE oauth_consumer_token
#      ADD oct_name varchar(64) binary not null default '',
#      ADD oct_token_ttl datetime not null default '9999-12-31',
#      DROP KEY oct_usa_id_ref,
#      ADD UNIQUE KEY (oct_usa_id_ref, oct_ocr_id_ref, oct_token_type, oct_name),
#      ADD KEY (oct_token_ttl);
# 2008-09-09 (on r5) Added referrer host to server access token
#      ALTER TABLE oauth_server_token ADD ost_referrer_host VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL;

# Log table to hold all OAuth request when you enabled logging

    olg_id                  int(11) not null auto_increment,
    olg_osr_consumer_key    varchar(64) binary,
    olg_ost_token           varchar(64) binary,
    olg_ocr_consumer_key    varchar(64) binary,
    olg_oct_token           varchar(64) binary,
    olg_usa_id_ref          int(11),
    olg_received            text not null,
    olg_sent                text not null,
    olg_base_string         text not null,
    olg_notes               text not null,
    olg_timestamp           timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
    olg_remote_ip           bigint not null,

    primary key (olg_id),
    key (olg_osr_consumer_key, olg_id),
    key (olg_ost_token, olg_id),
    key (olg_ocr_consumer_key, olg_id),
    key (olg_oct_token, olg_id),
    key (olg_usa_id_ref, olg_id)

#   , foreign key (olg_usa_id_ref) references any_user_auth (usa_id_ref)
#       on update cascade
#       on delete cascade
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;


# /////////////////// CONSUMER SIDE ///////////////////

# This is a registry of all consumer codes we got from other servers
# The consumer_key/secret is obtained from the server
# We also register the server uri, so that we can find the consumer key and secret
# for a certain server.  From that server we can check if we have a token for a
# particular user.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_consumer_registry (
    ocr_id                  int(11) not null auto_increment,
    ocr_usa_id_ref          int(11),
    ocr_consumer_key        varchar(128) binary not null,
    ocr_consumer_secret     varchar(128) binary not null,
    ocr_signature_methods   varchar(255) not null default 'HMAC-SHA1,PLAINTEXT',
    ocr_server_uri          varchar(255) not null,
    ocr_server_uri_host     varchar(128) not null,
    ocr_server_uri_path     varchar(128) binary not null,

    ocr_request_token_uri   varchar(255) not null,
    ocr_authorize_uri       varchar(255) not null,
    ocr_access_token_uri    varchar(255) not null,
    ocr_timestamp           timestamp not null default current_timestamp,

    primary key (ocr_id),
    unique key (ocr_consumer_key, ocr_usa_id_ref, ocr_server_uri),
    key (ocr_server_uri),
    key (ocr_server_uri_host, ocr_server_uri_path),
    key (ocr_usa_id_ref)

#   , foreign key (ocr_usa_id_ref) references any_user_auth(usa_id_ref)
#       on update cascade
#       on delete set null
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;


# Table used to sign requests for sending to a server by the consumer
# The key is defined for a particular user.  Only one single named
# key is allowed per user/server combination

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_consumer_token (
    oct_id                  int(11) not null auto_increment,
    oct_ocr_id_ref          int(11) not null,
    oct_usa_id_ref          int(11) not null,
    oct_name                varchar(64) binary not null default '',
    oct_token               text binary not null,
    oct_token_secret        varchar(255) binary not null,
    oct_token_type          enum('request','authorized','access'),
    oct_token_ttl           datetime not null default '9999-12-31',
    oct_timestamp           timestamp not null default current_timestamp,

    primary key (oct_id),
    unique key (oct_usa_id_ref, oct_ocr_id_ref, oct_token_type, oct_name),
  key (oct_token_ttl)

#   , foreign key (oct_usa_id_ref) references any_user_auth (usa_id_ref)
#       on update cascade
#       on delete cascade           
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;


# ////////////////// SERVER SIDE /////////////////

# Table holding consumer key/secret combos an user issued to consumers.
# Used for verification of incoming requests.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_server_registry (
    osr_id                      int(11) not null auto_increment,
    osr_usa_id_ref              int(11),
    osr_consumer_key            varchar(64) binary not null,
    osr_consumer_secret         varchar(64) binary not null,
    osr_enabled                 tinyint(1) not null default '1',
    osr_status                  varchar(16) not null,
    osr_requester_name          varchar(64) not null,
    osr_requester_email         varchar(64) not null,
    osr_callback_uri            varchar(255) not null,
    osr_application_uri         varchar(255) not null,
    osr_application_title       varchar(80) not null,
    osr_application_descr       text not null,
    osr_application_notes       text not null,
    osr_application_type        varchar(20) not null,
    osr_application_commercial  tinyint(1) not null default '0',
    osr_issue_date              datetime not null,
    osr_timestamp               timestamp not null default current_timestamp,

    primary key (osr_id),
    unique key (osr_consumer_key),
    key (osr_usa_id_ref)

#   , foreign key (osr_usa_id_ref) references any_user_auth(usa_id_ref)
#       on update cascade
#       on delete set null
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;


# Nonce used by a certain consumer, every used nonce should be unique, this prevents
# replaying attacks.  We need to store all timestamp/nonce combinations for the
# maximum timestamp received.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_server_nonce (
    osn_id                  int(11) not null auto_increment,
    osn_consumer_key        varchar(64) binary not null,
    osn_token               varchar(64) binary not null,
    osn_timestamp           bigint not null,
    osn_nonce               varchar(80) binary not null,

    primary key (osn_id),
    unique key (osn_consumer_key, osn_token, osn_timestamp, osn_nonce)
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;


# Table used to verify signed requests sent to a server by the consumer
# When the verification is succesful then the associated user id is returned.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS oauth_server_token (
    ost_id                  int(11) not null auto_increment,
    ost_osr_id_ref          int(11) not null,
    ost_usa_id_ref          int(11) not null,
    ost_token               varchar(64) binary not null,
    ost_token_secret        varchar(64) binary not null,
    ost_token_type          enum('request','access'),
    ost_authorized          tinyint(1) not null default '0',
  ost_referrer_host       varchar(128) not null default '',
  ost_token_ttl           datetime not null default '9999-12-31',
    ost_timestamp           timestamp not null default current_timestamp,
    ost_verifier            char(10),
    ost_callback_url        varchar(512),

  primary key (ost_id),
    unique key (ost_token),
    key (ost_osr_id_ref),
  key (ost_token_ttl),

  foreign key (ost_osr_id_ref) references oauth_server_registry (osr_id)
        on update cascade
        on delete cascade

#   , foreign key (ost_usa_id_ref) references any_user_auth (usa_id_ref)
#       on update cascade
#       on delete cascade           
) engine=InnoDB default charset=utf8;

Andere Tipps

Nun, nach einiger Zeit war es nicht das Problem, den Autorisierungsheader durcheinander zu bringen. Verwenden einiger Google OAuth -Parameter (xoauth_displayName) für einen Yahoo war. Aber während ich mich in der OAuth-Php Lib (R175) umsah, sah ich einen Parameter in OAuthRequestSigner::getQueryString Das wird nicht verwendet, sondern geben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Header in die Abfrage zu bekommen.

Falls jemand dies braucht, aber nicht aus dem Grund, warum ich es ausprobiert habe, können Sie OAuthequester.php so ändern.

  • Zeile 149: Hinzufügen

    $auth_header = true;
    if(isset($options['auth_header']) && !$options['auth_header']){
      $auth_header = false;
  • Zeile 164: Ersetzen $text = $oauth->curl_raw($curl_options, $auth_header); durch $text = $oauth->curl_raw($curl_options, $auth_header);
  • Zeile 300: Ersetzen protected function curl_raw ( $opts = array() ) durch protected function curl_raw ( $opts = array(), $auth_header = true )
  • Zeile 317: Ersetzen $query = $this->getQueryString() durch $query = $this->getQueryString($auth_header);

Beispiel des Anrufs:

$token = OAuthRequester::requestRequestToken($consumer_key, $user_id, $getAuthTokenParams, 'POST', array('auth_header' => FALSE));
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