
I am writing android renderscript code which requires back to back kernel calls (sometimes output of one kernel become input of other). I also have some global pointers, binded to memory from Java layer. Each kernel updates those global pointers and outputs something. I hav e to make sure that execute of kernel1 is finished, before kernel2 starts execution.

I looked at android renderscript docs, but couldn't understand syncAll(Usage) and finish() well. Can anyone clarify how to achieve this behaviour?


mScript.forEach_kernel1(mColorImageAllocation, tempAlloc);

// make sure kernel1 finishes, from android rs doc, copyTo should block 

for (short i = 0; i < NUM_DIST; i++) {
        mRS.finish(); // wait till kernel2 finishes

In the above example, same kernel2 is called with different global parameters on kernel1's output.

War es hilfreich?


For this code you don't need either. RS is a pipeline model so any work which could impact the result of a later command must be finished first by the driver.

syncAll() is used to sync memory spaces not execution. For example to propagate changes from script memory to graphics memory.

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