
I'm trying out my first receiver app for ChromeCast, having some problems with what goes into the registration form. (very little help info there)

I am hosting my sender index.html and bar_receiver.html in directory

To be able to run the receiver app, I have to register my device and the application on the developer console. Now to my questions:

1) What exactly goes into the URL field for the Custom receiver?

The sender is for the Chrome extension, so I've checked the Chrome platform check box

2) Is that necessary?

When I check that box, I'm asked for the "Web site url"

3) What shoud go here? Is it the doc root url,, or something else.

Keine korrekte Lösung

Andere Tipps

  1. In your case, the URL field will be

  2. The [x] Chrome isn't necessary for development. When you deploy, it would be helpful to know where the official location for your sender is.

  3. The root URL should be enough for now, we hope to provide additional clarification soon.

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