
I am using log4j2.xml for my web application and it is working fine. the problem is, it is printing all the domain information also. i am using hibernate+spring.Since the domain contains the user class it is printing the password also in the log file.. My log4j.xml is below..

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration status="trace">
            <RollingRandomAccessFile name="ONBOARDING_LOG" fileName="C:/jetty-distribution-9.0.6.v20130930/logs/onboarding.log" filePattern="C:/jetty-distribution-9.0.6.v20130930/logs/onboarding.log.%i" append="true" immediateFlush="true">
                            <pattern>%d{ISO8601} %-5p [%t]: [%c{1}] %m%n-%X{ElapsedTime}-%X{ByteSize}-%X{uniqueID}-%X{HttpMethod}-%X{URL}-</pattern>
                            <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="250 MB"/>
                    <DefaultRolloverStrategy max="10"/>


            <root level="DEBUG">
                    <appender-ref ref="ONBOARDING_LOG"/>

and my session-factory.xml is as...

<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean">
    <property name="jndiName">

<bean id="sessionFactory"

    <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
    <property name="hibernateProperties">
            <prop key="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</prop>
    <property name="packagesToScan">


<bean id="transactionManager"
    <property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory" />

and the message from the log file is....

 [Printer] listing entities:
     ------2014-03-06 13:35:59,178 DEBUG [qtp19318917-21:http://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8080/OnBoarding/]:             [Printer]{lastName=TP, updatedDate=2014-02-28 20:12:02,   companyName=TurningPoint, password=admin, userOid=1, phoneNo=1.234567890, isLogged=Y, organizationStagingList=<uninitialized>,,, userName=admin, firstName=Admin, createdDate=2007-05-06 00:00:00,}
      ------2014-03-06 13:35:59,178 DEBUG [qtp19318917-21:http://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8080/OnBoarding/]: [Printer]{users=<uninitialized>, accessId=1, accessType=ADMINISTRATOR}
     ------2014-03-06 13:35:59,178 DEBUG [qtp19318917-21:http://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8080/OnBoarding/]: [Printer]{statusId=1, users=<uninitialized>, statusType=ACTIVE}
War es hilfreich?


The problem is hibernate internally uses log4j to log the message. I got to know this by seeing the logs which contains Printer and it is final class defined in hibernate so i made some changes in the log4j.xml. and it should be added before the root level...I hope this will be very helpful for others and other comments will be highly appreciated..thanks

    <logger name="org.hibernate.pretty">
            <level value="OFF" />

    <logger name="org.hibernate.SQL">
        <level value="OFF"/>

    <logger name="org.hibernate">
        <level value="OFF"/>

    <logger name="">
        <level value="OFF"/>

    <logger name="org.hibernate.hql.ast.AST">
        <level value="OFF"/>

    <logger name="org.hibernate.jdbc">
        <level value="OFF"/>

    <logger name="org.hibernate.transaction">
        <level value="OFF"/>

    <logger name="org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl">
        <level value="OFF"/>

    <logger name="org.hibernate.type">
              <level value="OFF"/>

Andere Tipps

I think what you are seeing in the first section between square brackets ([qtp19318917-21:http://0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:8080/OnBoarding/]) is the thread name.

If this values is too long you can change the [%t] in the layout pattern with [%.30t] to specify you want maximum 30 characters. ( )

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