
I have a class hierarchy like this:

  - ClassA
  - ClassB

Class C is a subclass of both, ClassA and ClassB while ClassD and ClassE are only subclasses of either ClassA or ClassB

Now I would like to specify a class which is equivalent to the Intersection of subclasses of ClassA and ClassB. The following doesn't work:

NamedClass a owl:Class
NamedClass owl:equivalentClass (ClassA and ClassB)

The reason is that this sort of rule would be used by the reasoner to classify individuals, i.e. is I had an individual Ind1 which is of type ClassA and ClassB, it would be classified to be also of type NamedClass. This is not (only) what I want. I want ClassC itself to be a subclass of NamedClass.

I know this is achievable using rules (e.g. SPIN) but can it be done without rules?

War es hilfreich?


Let's start with the initial hierarchy, including F, but before we've declared that F is equivalent to the intersection of A and B:

enter image description here

Then we add (A and B) as a class equivalent to F. Protégé is smart enough to render things that are equivalent or subclasses of intersections under each of the intersected classes, so we see F appear in two places here.

enter image description here

A reasoner can confirm the relation, too. Here I've turned on Pellet, entered F into the DL query, and asked for subclasses. Sure enough, C is a subclass of F:

enter image description here

Here's the ontology that you can copy and paste:

@prefix :      <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
@prefix owl:   <> .
@prefix xsd:   <> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .

:ontology a owl:Ontology .

:A a owl:Class .
:B a owl:Class .
:C a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf  :A , :B .
:D a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf  :A .
:E a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf  :B .
:F a owl:Class ;
     owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Class ;
                           owl:intersectionOf  ( :A :B ) ] .

Andere Tipps

Yes, you can define that a class is defined as intersection of two other classes using OWL. Check the OWL 2 Primer.

Hope I helped!

PS If you want to apply more advanced rules to your model, I would suggest using SWRL which is a w3c recommendation.

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