
Is there a way to create a Latin Hypercube from a particular set of data? I have d(1,:) = 3*t +0.00167*randn(1,1000);. Is there a way for me to create a Latin Hypercube from the elements in d(1,:)?

Thanks a lot

War es hilfreich?


An edit of the lhsnorm function can probably answer your question.

In matlab : edit lhsnorm :

function [X,z] = lhsnorm(mu,sigma,n,dosmooth)
%LHSNORM Generate a latin hypercube sample with a normal distribution
%   X=LHSNORM(MU,SIGMA,N) generates a latin hypercube sample X of size
%   N from the multivariate normal distribution with mean vector MU
%   and covariance matrix SIGMA.  X is similar to a random sample from
%   the multivariate normal distribution, but the marginal distribution
%   of each column is adjusted so that its sample marginal distribution
%   is close to its theoretical normal distribution.
%   X=LHSNORM(MU,SIGMA,N,'ONOFF') controls the amount of smoothing in the
%   sample.  If 'ONOFF' is 'off', each column has points equally spaced
%   on the probability scale.  In other words, each column is a permutation
%   of the values G(.5/N), G(1.5/N), ..., G(1-.5/N) where G is the inverse
%   normal cumulative distribution for that column''s marginal distribution.
%   If 'ONOFF' is 'on' (the default), each column has points uniformly
%   distributed on the probability scale.  For example, in place of
%   0.5/N we use a value having a uniform distribution on the                  
%   interval (0/N,1/N).
%   [X,Z]=LHSNORM(...) also returns Z, the original multivariate normal
%   sample before the marginals are adjusted to obtain X.

%   Reference:  Stein, M. L. (1987). Large sample properties of simulations
%   using Latin hypercube sampling. Technometrics, 29, 143-151. Correction,
%   32, 367.

%   Copyright 1993-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
%   $Revision: $  $Date: 2010/03/16 00:15:10 $

% Generate a random sample with a specified distribution and
% correlation structure -- in this case multivariate normal
z = mvnrnd(mu,sigma,n);

% Find the ranks of each column
p = length(mu);
x = zeros(size(z),class(z));
for i=1:p
   x(:,i) = rank(z(:,i));

% Get gridded or smoothed-out values on the unit interval
if (nargin<4) || isequal(dosmooth,'on')
   x = x - rand(size(x));
   x = x - 0.5;
x = x / n;

% Transform each column back to the desired marginal distribution,
% maintaining the ranks (and therefore rank correlations) from the
% original random sample
for i=1:p
   x(:,i) = norminv(x(:,i),mu(i), sqrt(sigma(i,i)));
X = x;

% -----------------------
function r=rank(x)

% Similar to tiedrank, but no adjustment for ties here
[sx, rowidx] = sort(x);
r(rowidx) = 1:length(x);
r = r(:);

In your case you already have your distribution z in the code above and you also have mu, sigma and 'n' (the size of your distribution), just replace them and you should be able to create your Latin Hypercube.

Andere Tipps

There is a function in matlab for the creation of latin hypercube samples: lhsdesign(which lets you specifiy your hypercube) or lhsnorm(which uses a normal distributed one) . both are found in the statistics toolbox.

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