
Logically, what I want to do is:

FRED  EQU     5

in one module, and

      MOV     ECX,FRED

in a second.

I'm aware that

first module

FRED: DD      5

second module

      MOV     ECX,[FRED]

works perfectly happily, but what I'd really prefer is the first version.

I've tried

FRED  EQU     5
FRED: EQU     5
%define FRED  5
%assign FRED  5

None worked - no error message, but the label is not exported. Only if FRED is an address does it co-operate.

So - is there any way of exporting a value from one module as a constant, not an address?

War es hilfreich?

Lösung 2

Short answer: No.

You cannot use equ, define or assign for exporting because they do not show up in the compiled module as separate values. They only affect the preprocessor, so writing

   FRED equ 5
   mov  ecx, FRED

actually compiles to

   mov  ecx, 5

Common practice is to use C-style header file that has all the constants defined and then just include the header file wherever needed.


   %ifndef FRED_ASM
     %define FRED_ASM

       %define FRED 5
       ; ... other constants ...



   %include "fred.asm"

   mov ecx, FRED

Andere Tipps

Nasm treats a dot character (".") as a legal character in symbol names. You can use this to fake COM (Component Object Model) "Object Properties". If you have 3 modules, each of which has a "width" variable, you can pull the following stunt:

    SECTION .data
    global ButtonWidget.width, ButtonWidget.height
       .width dd 50
       .height dd 10

    SECTION .data
    global SelectWidget.width, SelectWidget.height
       .width dd 50
       .height dd 100

    SECTION .data
    global TextWidget.width, TextWidget.height
       .width dd 200
       .height dd 10

In your main module,

extern ButtonWidget.width, ButtonWidget.height
extern SelectWidget.width, SelectWidget.height
extern TextWidget.width, TextWidget.height
%macro MakeChildWindow 4
push %1
push %2
push %3
push %4
call makechildwindow
MakeChildWindow 10, 10, ButtonWidget.width, ButtonWidget.height
MakeChildWindow 10, 30, SelectWidget.width, SelectWidget.height
MakeChildWindow 10, 200, TextWidget.width, TextWidget.height

This technique has the advantage that the external variables can be fixed or changeable and it is VERY readable.

If I understand you correctly, you want FRED to be defined somewhere and used by many modules/source files? Each module/source file, uses FRED and instead of changing the value in each source file and re-assembling each file, just change one instance of FRED and have it use everywhere? If this is the case, you can just plop the equates into a static library and link against it. This does not work with %define, only equ.

Try this:

global FRED, JOHN

FRED    equ 5
JOHN    equ 6

makefile for libequates.asm (modify for you needs)

LIBRARY = libequates

all: $(LIBRARY) PostMake

    ar -cr $(LIBRARY).a $(LIBRARY).o
    strip --strip-unneeded $(LIBRARY).a

$(LIBRARY).o: $(LIBRARY).asm
    nasm -f elf64 $(LIBRARY).asm -F dwarf   

    mkdir -p ~/projects/lib/
    mv $(LIBRARY).a ~/projects/lib

Now to use and test if it works (I will use printf for simplicity):


extern FRED, JOHN, printf, exit

global start

section .data
fmtint      db  "%d", 10, 0

section .text
    mov     rsi, FRED
    mov     rdi, fmtint
    xor     rax, rax
    call    printf

    mov     rsi, JOHN
    mov     rdi, fmtint
    xor     rax, rax
    call    printf

    mov     rdi, 0
    call    exit

makefile for externs.asm

APP = externs

all: $(APP) clean

$(APP): $(APP).o 
    ld  -o $(APP) $(APP).o -entry start -L ~/projects/lib -lequates -lc -dynamic-linker /lib64/

$(APP).o: $(APP).asm
    nasm -f elf64 $(APP).asm -F dwarf

    rm $(APP).o

and output:
enter image description here

Now, you only need to change the equate value in one place, re-assemble only the static library and re-link your program/modules.

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