
I'm trying to run a testing suite using XML and TestNG, but I'm always getting the same message using both: Eclipse and the command line:

[TestNG] Running:

Total tests run: 0, Failures: 0, Skips: 0

The file is read correctly, but it seems like the tests are not running.

These are the contents of my testng.xml:

<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="TestingSuite1" verbose="1">
    <test name="Test1"  >
            <package name="tests"/>

and this is how my directory structure looks like in Eclipse:

TestNG Directory Structure in Eclipse

Also, this is also how I'm attempting to run the testing suite through the command line:

java -jar /Applications/Zend\ src/tests/resources/testng.xml

I've tried cleaning the project through eclipse, and that didn't seem to help. I also tried running:

mvn clean but it didn't do the job either.

Any help pointing me to the right direction will be greatly appreciated!

War es hilfreich?


You could also check imports for imported Test annotation, should be:

import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public myTest(){ ... }

and not for example:

import org.junit.Test;

Andere Tipps

I had to change my method access modifier to public from private to get it working .

Apparently, TestNG is wrong regarding generating the XML file for the testing suite.

Even though following their instructions to the letter, my tests were not running. I ended up with this testng.xml file and my tests, started to run:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="TestingSuite" parallel="none">
  <test name="Test1">
      <class name="tests.Page1"/>
    <test name="Test 2">
            <class name="tests.Page2"/>

I experienced a similar issue and it was resolved by performing a project clean within Eclipse (Project-> Clean-> Clean Selected project)

In my case, the @Test annotation was imported automatically by IDE as import org.junit.Test.

After changing it to import org.testng.annotations.Test the tests got picked up correctly.

Very simple but sometimes hard to spot. @Test is not picked when no data is returned by the corresponding dataprovider.

There were two problems in the code:
1. This was because, my @Test method was calling another method which will return a Boolean. Once I commented the same @Test and the method, the whole testNG xml started working.
2. Second mistake was , I was using the below ,that was a wrong assignment of Poi Classes. Workbook WB = new XSSFWorkbook(FIS); Sheet WSh= WB.getSheetAt(1); I changed the above to below: XSSFWorkbook WB = new XSSFWorkbook(FIS); XSSFSheet WSh= WB.getSheetAt(1); After both of those above corrections, the script started working.

In my case, the test was accidentally marked as "enabled = false" inside the @Test(...). Make sure the value for you is marked as "true".

I also had this problem, and none of the above solutions worked. Restarting Eclipse, however, did. I know this seems like an unnecessary answer, but I myself would have saved a lot of time if I had done it sooner, so I'll post it anyway.

I had the same problem and here is my results: In my project I had test file in


and in the same time I had resources for the test in


As I found, testng tried to find test file in the second directory.

When I renamed directory with resources from Core to tcore, the problem was fixed.

I had this same issue, here is what worked for me:

  1. I put all of the TestNG libraries in a separate lib folder in my project

    a. com.beust.jcommander_1.72.0.jar

    b. org.apache-extras.beanshell.bsh_2.0.0.b6.jar

    c. org.testng_6.14.2.r201802161450.jar

    d. or.yaml.snakeyaml_1.17.0.jar

  2. I also put a copy of selenium-server and chromedriver in the lib folder as well

  3. From my project folder (with testng.xml located in the project root) I ran:

    java -cp .\lib\*;.\target\classes org.testng.TestNG testng.xml

I was facing the same issue , i have updated/installed TestNG from eclipse marketplace it worked for me

if the @Test method is public boolean() with return type as true/flase it doesnot execute.. strange but worked in my-case.

I had done all possible solution that everyone shared here and still does not work.

Heard someone mentioned creating a new workspace.

So I started a new workspace and recreated the whole TestNG suite & methods.

It worked!

Most probably my other TestNg stuff in my previous workspace could have conflicted with the recent Testng setup.

So starting a new workspace solved!

This can also happen when there is groups usage in suite.xml and @BeforeXXX annotations have missing alwaysRun = true.

@BeforeTest(alwaysRun = true)
public void setUp() throws IOException {

In my case I was using JUnit and then moved to testNG, so besides updating the imports in the classes:

import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public myTest(){ ... }

I also had to remove the dependency of JUnit from my pom.xml. Otherwise maven-surefire-plugin automatically tries to run using JUnit. So you can either remove or specify a provider as mentioned here.

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