
I am using Captcha Mvc 4.0 (Vyacheslav)

Here is my code:

@Html.Captcha("Refresh", "Enter the text shown in imag"
                , 5, "Is required field.", false)

And here is the problem:

It is working smooth but refresh button is not showing, and it is due to style="display:none;"

<a href="#CaptchaImage" id="5f88fe4e11e743c6a8a8430de57cfcff"  

How to make it visible?

War es hilfreich?

Lösung 2

JQuery file need to be loaded before that line


And everything work smooth!

Andere Tipps

In the code he does a .show() which only works if jquery is loaded. To fix this either import jquery before calling the method or do the following which will separate out the markup and the script.

    var captcha = @Html.Captcha("Refresh", "Enter the text shown in imag"
                , 5, "Is required field.", false)


@section scripts
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