
My full code is as below @

 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
   <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
   <script type="text/javascript">
     google.load('visualization', '1', {packages: ['corechart']});
     google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['table']});
   <script type="text/javascript">
         var options = {
         title: 'Electrolyser Data',
         legend: {position: 'bottom'},  
         hAxis: {title: 'Date', titleTextStyle: {color: 'red'}, format: 'MMM d', gridlines: {count: '31'}}
   var data; var data0; var data1;  
   var query0 = new google.visualization.Query(
   var query1 = new google.visualization.Query(
   function drawChart() { 
     query0.setQuery('select D,E limit 7');
     query1.setQuery('SELECT D,E limit 7');

   function handleQueryResponse0(response0) {
     if (response0.isError()) {
       alert('Error in query: ' + response0.getMessage() + ' ' + response0.getDetailedMessage());

  var data0 = response0.getDataTable(); 
     var table0 = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('table_div'));
var chart0 = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('visualization'));
    chart0.draw(data0, options);
   function handleQueryResponse1(response1) {
     if (response1.isError()) {
       alert('Error in query: ' + response1.getMessage() + ' ' + response1.getDetailedMessage());

  var data1 = response1.getDataTable(); 
     var table1 = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('table_div2'));
     var chart1 = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('visualization2'));
   chart1.draw(data1, options);
 //data = new,data0,'full',[0],[1],[1]);     
    // table1.draw(data1);

 <body style="font-family: Arial;border: 0 none;">
<div id="visualization" style="width: 500px;height: 500px"></div>
   <div id="visualization2" style="width: 500px;height: 500px"></div>
   <div id='table_div' style="width: 600px;"></div>
   <div id='table_div2' style="width: 600px;"></div>

I am able so far to properly visualize data from two different sources however what I need is to join the data from two different queries. In the case shown query0 & query1 each pull two columns however the first column Date is common to both. I want to have a final data composed of three columns e.g the first Date (common) the second Kf of Electrolyser-A & the third Kf of Electrolyser-B. Finally draw a ColumnChart & a Table to show side by side comparison of both Electrolysers. I am unable to do it using something like

data = new,data0,'full',[0],[1],[1]);

It should have compared the first column & replicate the second column from data0 & data1. Is my comprehension wrong? Secondly can someone optimise the code so that function handleQueryResponse need not to be defined for each query.

War es hilfreich?


You declare data0 and data1 in global scope and then create local scope variants of each in your handleQueryResponse functions, so while data0 exists in handleQueryResponse1, it is null. Even if you used the global-scope variables, this wouldn't solve your problem, as it is entirely possible that query1 would return before query0, and thus data0 would still be null.

Try this approach instead:

function drawChart() {
    // create an array containing one false for each query
    var ready = [false, false];
    // create an array to hold the DataTables
    var dataArray = [];
    function handleQueryResponse(response, index) {
        if (response.isError()) {
            alert('Error in query ' + index + ': ' + response.getMessage() + ' ' + response.getDetailedMessage());
        ready[index] = true;
        dataArray[index] = response.getDataTable();
        var allReady = true;
        // check if all the queries have returned
        for (var i = 0; i < ready.length; i++) {
            if (!ready[i]) {
                allReady = false;
        // if all the queries have returned, draw the charts and tables
        if (allReady) {
            var data = new[1], data[0], 'full', [0], [1], [1]);
            var options = {
                title: 'Electrolyser Data',
                legend: {position: 'bottom'},
                hAxis: {
                    title: 'Date',
                    titleTextStyle: {
                        color: 'red'
                    format: 'MMM d',
                    gridlines: {
                        count: 31
            var tables = [];
            tables[0] = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('table_div0'));
            tables[1] = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('table_div1'));
            tables[2] = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('table_div2'));

            var charts = [];
            charts[0] = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('visualization0'));
            charts[0].draw(dataArray[0], options);
            charts[1] = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('visualization1'));
            charts[1].draw(dataArray[1], options);

    var query0 = new google.visualization.Query('');
    var query1 = new google.visualization.Query('');
    query0.setQuery('select D,E limit 7');
    query0.send(function (response) {
        handleQueryResponse(response, 0);
    query1.setQuery('SELECT D,E limit 7');
    query1.send(function (response) {
        handleQueryResponse(response, 1);
google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['corechart'], callback: drawChart});
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