
Hello everyone, I know the questions about proguard are already asked and answered. I go through some links. I am using Eclipse juno and ADT 19. Here is my sdk

    android:targetSdkVersion="19" />

What I want is someone give me a total walk through about how to enable ProGuard and also how to check weather it is enabled or not. I have very simple android project to test Proguard . Then I want to implement it on other application. My test application have a class called MainAvtivity and an xml file called activity main. SO far I havent find any help.Thanks in advance.

War es hilfreich?


you can add proguard-project.txt to your project inside it you must set options you want form progoard for example i write these options

-optimizationpasses 5 -dontusemixedcaseclassnames -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclasses -dontpreverify -verbose -dontoptimize -optimizations !code/simplification/arithetic,!field/,!class/merging/

to check you can export your app to apk
an then you can use dx2jar to found if it is protected or not

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