
I'm trying out to use joomla to do my query code. But there is some error code shown that my courseID is in array and can't be use. Sorry i was still new to joomla and php >.<

Here is my code:

$campusID = $_POST['campusID'];

$courseID = $_POST['courseID'];

$from= $_POST['from'];

$to= $_POST['to'];

    // Get default database object
$db =JFactory::getDBO();

// Get a new JDatabaseQuery object
$query = $db->getQuery(true);

foreach($courseID as $courseID1){

// Build the query
$query->where($db->quoteName('campusid').'='. $db->quote($campusID));
$query->where($db->quoteName('courseid').'='. $db->quote($courseID1));

// Set the query for the DB oject to execute
// Get the DB object to load the results as a list of objects
$results = $db->loadObjectList();


echo "GOOD";



echo "Error";



Eventually, $courseID is the value that i submitted from another page which the value is come from a check box and carry multiple value. What should i do to get the courseID value with array in query? ( I had try to edit the code, but no still echo me "Error".

War es hilfreich?


By default


appends conditions using an AND when you use several where's. So your code will produce something like

campusid = XX AND courseid = YY AND campusid = XX AND courseid = ZZ ...

So it doesn't work because courseid cannot be YY and ZZ at the same time.

You use a trick to solve this, using explode but before exploding, we must sanitize the received data.

This code is not tested :

$tmpIds = array();

foreach($courseID as $cId){
  $tmpIds[] = $db->quote($cId);   // sanitize the input

$courseID1 = explode($tmpIds,",");

$query->where($db->quoteName('campusid').'='. $db->quote($campusID));
$query->where($db->quoteName('courseid').' IN ('. $courseID1 . ')';

// Set the query for the DB oject to execute

// Get the DB object to load the results as a list of objects
$results = $db->loadObjectList();

   echo "GOOD";    
} else {
   echo "Error";

As pointed on the notes below, you should avoid using $_POST, $_GET, $_FILES, etc... directly. Since Joomla! 2.5 JInput class (on 1.5 to 1.7 this was done with JRequest) is provided to access those variables.


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