
Does anyone know how to parse a double from an EditText?

I know how to do it, but it isn't the right way I think. Does anyone have best practises?

Thank you.

War es hilfreich?


you can try this:

double value;
String text =your_edittext.getText().toString();
   value= Double.parseDouble(text);
   // it means it is double
} catch (Exception e1) {
   // this means it is not double 

Andere Tipps

Whatever you type in EditText is String.

How to check if edittext is empty?

String str = edit_text.getText().toString();
if (str.trim().equals("")
                    "EditText is empty.",

Parse a double from an EditText (Kotlin)

  • toDouble() function works great but if the string is not a valid representation of a number. Throw NumberFormatException Exception.

  • toDoubleOrNull() function returns a double value. if the string is not a valid representation of a number return null


fun parseToDouble(value :Editable): Double { 
        val result = value.trim().toString().toDoubleOrNull()
        if(result != null) 
            return result
            return 0.0
    }else { 
      return 0.0

Or above code can be simplified using Extension functions

fun Editable.parseToDouble(): Double { 
        val result = this.trim().toString().toDoubleOrNull()
        if(result != null) 
            return result
            return 0.0
    }else { 
      return 0.0
  • The "this" keyword inside an extension function corresponds to the receiver object. it can also be remove

Or above code can be simplified using Kotlin When expression

fun Editable.parseToDouble(): Double { 
    return when(isNotEmpty()){
    true -> {
        val result = trim().toString().toDoubleOrNull()
        if(result != null) result else 0.0
   else -> 0.0

Or above code can be simplified by Convert to expression body (“return” vs expression body)

fun Editable.parseToDouble(): Double = when(isNotEmpty()){
    true -> {
        val result = trim().toString().toDoubleOrNull()
        if(result != null) result else 0.0
   else -> 0.0

Or above code can be simplified using Kotlin Elvis Operator

fun Editable.parseToDouble() = when(isNotEmpty()){
    true -> trim().toString().toDoubleOrNull()?: 0.0
    else -> 0.0

Simplest version (best)

fun Editable.parseToDouble() = trim().toString().toDoubleOrNull()?: 0.0


fun Editable.parseToDouble() = toString().toDoubleOrNull()?: 0.0

Notes: similarly you can create parseToInt and parseToLong function

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