
I would like to learn more about concatenative programming through the creation of a small simple language, based on the stack and following the concatenative paradigm.

Unfortunately, I haven't found many resources concerning concatenative languages and their implementation, so excuse me in advance for my possible naivety.

I therefore defined my language as a simple sequence of concatenation of functions, represented in the AST as a list:

data Operation
    = Concat [Operation]
    | Quotation Operation
    | Var String
    | Lit Literal
    | LitOp LiteralOperation

data Literal
    = Int Int
    | Float Float

data LiteralOperation
    = Add | Sub | Mul | Div

The following program, 4 2 swap dup * + (corresponding to 2 * 2 + 4) once parsed, will give the following AST:

Concat [Lit (Int 4), Lit (Int 2), Var "swap", Var "dup", LitOp Mul, LitOp Add]

Now I have to infer and check the types.

I wrote this type system:

data Type
    = TBasic BasicType   -- 'Int' or 'Float'
    | TVar String        -- Variable type
    | TQuoteE String     -- Empty stack, noted 'A'
    | TQuote String Type -- Non empty stack, noted 'A t'
    | TConc Type Type    -- A type for the concatenation
    | TFun Type Type     -- The type of functions

That's where my question comes in, because I don't know what type to infer from that expression. The resulting type is obvious, it is Int, but I don't know how to actually entirely check this program at the type level.

At the beginning, as you can see above, I had thought of a TConc type that represents concatenation in the same way as the TFun type represents a function, because in the end the concatenation sequence forms an unique function.

Another option, which I have not yet explored, would be to apply the function composition inference rule to each element of this expression sequence. I don't know how it would work with the stack-based.

The question is so: how do we do it? Which algorithm to use, and which approach at the type level should be preferred?

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