
I'm trying to parse a string containing an IP address and a port using IPAddress.Parse. This works well with IPv6 addresses but not with IPv4 addresses. Can somone explain why this happens?

The code I'm using is:

IPAddress.Parse("[::1]:5"); //Valid
IPAddress.Parse(""); //null

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Uri url;
IPAddress ip;
if (Uri.TryCreate(String.Format("http://{0}", ""), UriKind.Absolute, out url) &&
   IPAddress.TryParse(url.Host, out ip))
    IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(ip, url.Port);

This happens because the port is not part of the IP address. It belongs to TCP/UDP, and you'll have to strip it out first. The Uri class might be helpful for this.

IPAddress is not IP+Port. You want IPEndPoint.

Example from

public static void ParseHostString(string hostString, ref string hostName, ref int port)
   hostName = hostString;
   if (hostString.Contains(":"))
      string[] hostParts = hostString.Split(':');

      if (hostParts.Length == 2)
         hostName = hostParts[0];
         int.TryParse(hostParts[1], out port);

Edit: Ok, I'll admit that wasn't the most elegant solution. Try this one I wrote (just for you) instead:

// You need to include some usings:
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Net;

// Then this code (static is not required):
private static Regex hostPortMatch = new Regex(@"^(?<ip>(?:\[[\da-fA-F:]+\])|(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})(?::(?<port>\d+))?$", System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.Compiled);
public static IPEndPoint ParseHostPort(string hostPort)
   Match match = hostPortMatch.Match(hostPort);
   if (!match.Success)
      return null;

   return new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(match.Groups["ip"].Value), int.Parse(match.Groups["port"].Value));

Note that this one ONLY accepts IP address, not hostname. If you want to support hostname you'll either have to resolve it to IP or not use IPAddress/IPEndPoint.

IPAddress.Parse is meant to take A string that contains an IP address in dotted-quad notation for IPv4 and in colon-hexadecimal notation for IPv6. So your first example works for IPv6 and your second example fails because it doesnt support a port for IPv4. Link

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