
Ich finde hier nicht über meine Frage hier auf MDC oder den EcmaScript-Spezifikationen.Wahrscheinlich kennt jemand einen mehr "Hacky" Weg, um dies zu lösen.

Ich nenne generakodicetagcode in jeder JavaScript-Datei in meiner Umgebung.Alle meine Dateien beginnen so generasacodicetagpre.

Jetzt habe ich eine benutzerdefinierte Funktion, die Fehler umgreift.Diese Funktionen verwendet die Eigenschaft von "use strict", um einen -Kontext-Stack-Trace-Trace bereitzustellen.Sieht so aus: generasacodicetagpre.

Aber natürlich ist in einem strikten MODE .caller eine nicht-deletable Requisite, die beim Abrufen wirft.Meine Frage ist also, ist jemand, der sich des Weges auf deaktiviert strenger mehr "funktionsweise"?

.caller wird von allen Funktionen geerbt, nachdem sie aufgerufen wurde.Jetzt haben wir die Möglichkeit, einfach einen strikten Modus in bestimmten Funktionen zu verwenden, indem er gerade generationstabelletagcode an der Spitze derjenigen anruft, aber gibt es einen Weg, um das Gegenteil zu erreichen?

War es hilfreich?


No, you can't disable strict mode per function.

It's important to understand that strict mode works lexically; meaning — it affects function declaration, not execution. Any function declared within strict code becomes a strict function itself. But not any function called from within strict code is necessarily strict:

(function(sloppy) {
  "use strict";

   function strict() {
     // this function is strict, as it is _declared_ within strict code



function sloppy(){
  // this function is not strict as it is _declared outside_ of strict code

Notice how we can define function outside of strict code and then pass it into the function that's strict.

You can do something similar in your example — have an object with "sloppy" functions, then pass that object to that strict immediately invoked function. Of course, that won't work if "sloppy" functions need to reference variables from within main wrapper function.

Also note that indirect eval — suggested by someone else — won't really help here. All it does is execute code in global context. If you try to call a function that's defined locally, indirect eval won't even find it:

  "use strict";

  function whichDoesSomethingNaughty(){ /* ... */ }

  // ReferenceError as function is not globally accessible
  // and indirect eval obviously tries to "find" it in global scope


This confusion about global eval probably comes from the fact that global eval can be used to get access to global object from within strict mode (which isn't simply accessible via this anymore):

  "use strict";

  this; // undefined
  (1,eval)('this'); // global object

But back to the question...

You can kind of cheat and declare a new function via Function constructor — which happens to not inherit strictness, but that would rely on (non-standard) function decompilation and you would lose ability to reference outer variables.

  "use strict";

  function strict(){ /* ... */ }

  // compile new function from the string representation of another one
  var sneaky = Function('return (' + strict + ')()');


Note that FF4+ seems to disagree with spec (from what I can tell) and incorrectly marks function created via Function as strict. This doesn't happen in other strict-mode-supporting implementations (like Chrome 12+, IE10, WebKit).

Andere Tipps


(...) Strict Mode is not enforced on non-strict functions that are invoked inside the body of a strict function (either because they were passed as arguments or invoked using call or apply).

So if you setup the error methods in a different file, without strict mode, and then pass them as a parameter, like this:

var test = function(fn) {
  'use strict';

var deleteNonConfigurable = function () {
  var obj = {};
  Object.defineProperty(obj, "name", {
    configurable: false
  delete; //will throw TypeError in Strict Mode

test(deleteNonConfigurable); //no error (Strict Mode not enforced) should work.

An alternative is simply doing this

var stack;
if (console && console.trace) {
     stack = console.trace();
} else {
    try {
        var fail = 1 / 0;
    } catch (e) {
        if (e.stack) {
            stack = e.stack;
        } else if (e.stacktrace) {
            stack = e.stacktrace;
// have fun implementing normalize.
return normalize(stack);
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