
Ich habe in Xcode 4 mit Kerndaten eine fensterbasierte iPhone-Anwendung erstellt.In Bezug auf die Kerndatenbits habe ich einige Fragen:

  1. In der Anwendungsdelegierten Header-Datei gibt es keine 3 Core-Dateneigenschaften nicht als Beispielvariablen?d. H. Es gibt keine Variablen, die im Abschnitt @Interface aufgeführt sind. Es gibt jedoch Eigenschaften für sie und sie werden in der Implementierungsdatei synthetisiert.Ist das richtig?

  2. Im Standard-Persistenz-Mechanismus SQLite?Ich sehe in der "Persistentstorecoordinator" -Methode, dass der Ladensurl "... urlbyappendingpathcomponent: @" coredataprojectTemplate.sqlite "

  3. Wo wird die eigentliche SQLite-Persistentendatei erstellt?Ich kann nicht in dem Code aus der Vorlage sehen, wo dies sein würde?Müssen Sie Ihren eigenen Code hinzufügen, um dies zu erstellen?

War es hilfreich?


1 I assume you are referring to the following:

@synthesize managedObjectContext=__managedObjectContext;
@synthesize managedObjectModel=__managedObjectModel;
@synthesize persistentStoreCoordinator=__persistentStoreCoordinator;

This format allows you to create accessors for a variable of a different name (i.e. the getter / setter accessor names can be different from the variable name). If the variable has not been previously defined then the synthesize operation will automatically create a synthesized instance variable for you.

2 As you've inferred from the filename, the default persistent store for CoreData is SQLite; however it's not limited to this one type. When creating your persistent store for the first time you send a message to the persistentStoreCoordinator in which you set the addPersistentStoreWithType to one of the following:


To be honest, unless you have a good reason to change it you're probably best just sticking with SQLite.

3 The location URL of the persistent store is built by establishing the directory that the application is executing within (with a message to applicationDocumentsDirectory - written elsewhere in your code) then appending the filename of the persistent store to it via the URLByAppendingPathComponent parameter. You can modify this to add sub-folders or changing the filename if you wish.

Andere Tipps

  1. The modern Objective-C runtime can synthesize not only accessors but also storage for properties. You can specify the ivars that back your properties yourself if you want to, or you can let the runtime figure it out.

  2. SQLite is the only backing store for Core Data supported in iOS.

  3. If I'm not mistaken, the file will get created (if it doesn't already exist) when the managed object context is saved. The URL is associated with the persistent store when it's added to the persistent store coordinator.

3) That storeURL is the name and location of the Core Data database. If you want to put it elsewhere just change the base directory. You may want to consider the Application Support directory.

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