
Here is what I have

  1. A custom activity with 2 in parameters and 2 out parameters.

  2. The custom activity code works fine and in debugging mode the parameter is set.

  3. I created some log activities, after the activity runs, to see if the output parameters are being set, but they are always empty. enter image description here

  4. I attached a screenshot and also the code

    code of the customactivity

    public partial class CreateDocumentLibrary : SequenceActivity {

        public CreateDocumentLibrary()
        public static DependencyProperty SiteUrlProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("SiteUrl",typeof(string), typeof(CreateDocumentLibrary), new PropertyMetadata(""));
        [DescriptionAttribute("Url of site where document library is to be created")]
        public string SiteUrl
                return ((string)(base.GetValue(SiteUrlProperty)));
                base.SetValue(SiteUrlProperty, value);
        public static DependencyProperty DocumentLibraryNameProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("DocumentLibraryName",typeof(string), typeof(CreateDocumentLibrary), new PropertyMetadata(""));
        [DescriptionAttribute("Name for DocumentLibrary")]
        public string DocumentLibraryName
                return ((string)(base.GetValue(DocumentLibraryNameProperty)));
                base.SetValue(DocumentLibraryNameProperty, value);
        public static DependencyProperty DocumentLibraryResultNameProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("DocumentLibraryResultName", typeof(string), typeof(CreateDocumentLibrary), new PropertyMetadata(""));
        [DescriptionAttribute("Result  Name for DocumentLibrary")]
        public string DocumentLibraryResultName
                return ((string)(base.GetValue(DocumentLibraryResultNameProperty)));
                base.SetValue(DocumentLibraryResultNameProperty, value);
        public static DependencyProperty DocumentLibraryLinkProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("DocumentLibraryLink", typeof(string), typeof(CreateDocumentLibrary), new PropertyMetadata(""));
        [DescriptionAttribute("Link for DocumentLibrary")]
        public string DocumentLibraryLink
                return ((string)(base.GetValue(DocumentLibraryLinkProperty)));
                base.SetValue(DocumentLibraryLinkProperty, value);
        protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
            return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the list exists in the spweb object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="docLibName">Document Library name</param>
        /// <param name="web">SPWeb</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if it exists</returns>
        bool listExists(string docLibName, SPWeb web)
                //if there is no list with such name, it will throw an exception
                return (web.Lists[docLibName] != null);
                return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a document library with the name passed
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateDocLibrary()
                using (SPSite oSPSite = new SPSite(SiteUrl))
                    using (SPWeb oSPWeb = oSPSite.RootWeb)
                        string docLibNameBase = DocumentLibraryName;
                        string docLibNameTemp = docLibNameBase;
                        int iCounter = 1;
                        while (listExists(docLibNameTemp, oSPWeb))
                            docLibNameTemp = docLibNameBase + "(" + iCounter.ToString() + ")";
                        SPList oSPList = oSPWeb.Lists.TryGetList(docLibNameTemp);
                        if (oSPList == null)
                            Guid ID = oSPWeb.Lists.Add(docLibNameTemp, docLibNameTemp, SPListTemplateType.DocumentLibrary);
                            DocumentLibraryResultName = docLibNameTemp;
                            oSPList = oSPWeb.Lists[ID];
                            DocumentLibraryLink = SPUtility.ConcatUrls(oSPWeb.Url, oSPList.Views["All Documents"].Url);
                            oSPList.OnQuickLaunch = false;
            catch (Exception)

code of the actions.actions

<Action Name="Create Doc Library" ClassName="MyCompany.CustomActivities.CreateDocumentLibrary"
        Assembly="MyCompany.CustomActivities, Version=,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=207090b9b3f674c8"
        AppliesTo="all" Category="MyCompany custom activities">

      <RuleDesigner Sentence="Create document library: %1 in site: %2. (Save link in: %3, save document library name in: %4)">
        <FieldBind Field="DocumentLibraryName" Text="Document List Name" DesignerType="TextArea" Id="1"/>
        <FieldBind Field="SiteUrl" Text="Url of base site" Id="2" DesignerType="TextArea"/>
        <FieldBind Field="DocumentLibraryLink" Text="Link to the document library" Id="3" DesignerType="TextArea"/>
        <FieldBind Field="DocumentLibraryResultName" Text="Result name of to the document library" Id="4" DesignerType="TextArea"/>


        <Parameter Name="DocumentLibraryName" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="In" />
        <Parameter Name="SiteUrl" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="In" />
        <Parameter Name="DocumentLibraryLink" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="Out" />
        <Parameter Name="DocumentLibraryResultName" Type="System.String, mscorlib" Direction="Out" />


War es hilfreich?


The problem is with your DesignerType attributes in your ACTIONS files. Since you want to set these to variables you should switch these lines:

<FieldBind Field="DocumentLibraryLink" Text="Link to the document library" Id="3" DesignerType="TextArea"/>
<FieldBind Field="DocumentLibraryResultName" Text="Result name of to the document library" Id="4" DesignerType="TextArea"/>

To this:

<FieldBind Field="DocumentLibraryLink" Text="Link to the document library" Id="3" DesignerType="ParameterNames"/>
<FieldBind Field="DocumentLibraryResultName" Text="Result name of to the document library" Id="4" DesignerType="ParameterNames"/>

The key difference being that the DesignerType has been set to ParameterNames which allows you to specify which variable to save the output into.


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