
Im Rahmen eines Programms ich schreibe, muss ich genau eine kubische Gleichung lösen (und nicht eine numerische Wurzelberechnung verwendet wird):

a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d = 0.

Ich versuche, die Gleichungen von hier zu verwenden. Beachten Sie jedoch den folgenden Code (dies Python ist, aber es ist ziemlich allgemein Code):

a =  1.0
b =  0.0
c =  0.2 - 1.0
d = -0.7 * 0.2

q = (3*a*c - b**2) / (9 * a**2)
r = (9*a*b*c - 27*a**2*d - 2*b**3) / (54*a**3)

print "q = ",q
print "r = ",r

delta = q**3 + r**2

print "delta = ",delta

# here delta is less than zero so we use the second set of equations from the article:

rho = (-q**3)**0.5

# For x1 the imaginary part is unimportant since it cancels out
s_real = rho**(1./3.)
t_real = rho**(1./3.)

print "s [real] = ",s_real
print "t [real] = ",t_real

x1 = s_real + t_real - b / (3. * a)

print "x1 = ", x1

print "should be zero: ",a*x1**3+b*x1**2+c*x1+d

Aber der Ausgang ist:

q =  -0.266666666667
r =  0.07
delta =  -0.014062962963
s [real] =  0.516397779494
t [real] =  0.516397779494
x1 =  1.03279555899
should be zero:  0.135412149064

so dass der Ausgang nicht Null ist, und so ist x1 nicht wirklich eine Lösung. Gibt es einen Fehler in dem Wikipedia-Artikel?

ps: Ich weiß, dass numpy.roots wird diese Art von Gleichung zu lösen, aber ich brauche diese Millionen von Gleichungen zu tun und so muß ich dies implementieren auf Arrays von Koeffizienten zu arbeiten

War es hilfreich?


Wikipedias Notation (rho^(1/3), theta/3) bedeutet nicht, dass rho^(1/3) der Realteil und theta/3 ist der imaginäre Teil. Vielmehr ist dies in Polarkoordinaten. Wenn Sie also den Realteil wollen, würden Sie rho^(1/3) * cos(theta/3) nehmen.

Ich habe diese Änderungen an Ihren Code und es funktioniert für mich:

theta = arccos(r/rho)
s_real = rho**(1./3.) * cos( theta/3)
t_real = rho**(1./3.) * cos(-theta/3)

(Natürlich s_real = t_real hier, weil cos selbst ist.)

Andere Tipps

Ich habe auf dem Wikipedia-Artikel und Ihr Programm sieht.

Ich löste auch die Gleichung Wolfram Alpha und die Ergebnisse dort nicht übereinstimmen, was man bekommt.

Ich würde nur bei jedem Schritt durch das Programm gehen, eine Menge Druck-Anweisungen verwenden, und jedes Zwischenergebnis erhalten. durchlaufen dann mit einem Rechner und do it yourself.

Ich kann nicht finden, was passiert ist, aber wo Sie Ihre Hand Berechnungen und das Programm auseinander gehen ist ein guter Ort zu suchen.

Hier ist A. Rex-Lösung in JavaScript:

a =  1.0;
b =  0.0;
c =  0.2 - 1.0;
d = -0.7 * 0.2;

q = (3*a*c - Math.pow(b, 2)) / (9 * Math.pow(a, 2));
r = (9*a*b*c - 27*Math.pow(a, 2)*d - 2*Math.pow(b, 3)) / (54*Math.pow(a, 3));
console.log("q = "+q);
console.log("r = "+r);

delta = Math.pow(q, 3) + Math.pow(r, 2);
console.log("delta = "+delta);

// here delta is less than zero so we use the second set of equations from the article:
rho = Math.pow((-Math.pow(q, 3)), 0.5);
theta = Math.acos(r/rho);

// For x1 the imaginary part is unimportant since it cancels out
s_real = Math.pow(rho, (1./3.)) * Math.cos( theta/3);
t_real = Math.pow(rho, (1./3.)) * Math.cos(-theta/3);

console.log("s [real] = "+s_real);
console.log("t [real] = "+t_real);

x1 = s_real + t_real - b / (3. * a);

console.log("x1 = "+x1);
console.log("should be zero: "+(a*Math.pow(x1, 3)+b*Math.pow(x1, 2)+c*x1+d));

Hier lege ich eine kubische Gleichung (mit komplexen Koeffizienten) Löser.

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

#define PI 3.141592

long double complex_multiply_r(long double xr, long double xi, long double yr, long double yi) {
    return (xr * yr - xi * yi);

long double complex_multiply_i(long double xr, long double xi, long double yr, long double yi) {
    return (xr * yi + xi * yr);

long double complex_triple_multiply_r(long double xr, long double xi, long double yr, long double yi, long double zr, long double zi) {
    return (xr * yr * zr - xi * yi * zr - xr * yi * zi - xi * yr * zi);

long double complex_triple_multiply_i(long double xr, long double xi, long double yr, long double yi, long double zr, long double zi) {
    return (xr * yr * zi - xi * yi * zi + xr * yi * zr + xi * yr * zr);

long double complex_quadraple_multiply_r(long double xr, long double xi, long double yr, long double yi, long double zr, long double zi, long double wr, long double wi) {
    long double z1r, z1i, z2r, z2i;    
    z1r = complex_multiply_r(xr, xi, yr, yi);
    z1i = complex_multiply_i(xr, xi, yr, yi);
    z2r = complex_multiply_r(zr, zi, wr, wi);
    z2i = complex_multiply_i(zr, zi, wr, wi);
    return (complex_multiply_r(z1r, z1i, z2r, z2i));

long double complex_quadraple_multiply_i(long double xr, long double xi, long double yr, long double yi, long double zr, long double zi, long double wr, long double wi) {
    long double z1r, z1i, z2r, z2i;
    z1r = complex_multiply_r(xr, xi, yr, yi);
    z1i = complex_multiply_i(xr, xi, yr, yi);
    z2r = complex_multiply_r(zr, zi, wr, wi);
    z2i = complex_multiply_i(zr, zi, wr, wi);
    return (complex_multiply_i(z1r, z1i, z2r, z2i));

long double complex_divide_r(long double xr, long double xi, long double yr, long double yi) {
    return ((xr * yr + xi * yi) / (yr * yr + yi * yi));

long double complex_divide_i(long double xr, long double xi, long double yr, long double yi) {
    return ((-xr * yi + xi * yr) / (yr * yr + yi * yi));

long double complex_root_r(long double xr, long double xi) {
    long double r, theta;
    r = sqrt(xr*xr + xi*xi);
    if (r != 0.0) {
        if (xr >= 0 && xi >= 0) {
            theta = atan(xi / xr);
        else if (xr < 0 && xi >= 0) {
            theta = PI - abs(atan(xi / xr));
        else if (xr < 0 && xi < 0) {
            theta = PI + abs(atan(xi / xr));
        else {
            theta = 2.0 * PI + atan(xi / xr);
        return (sqrt(r) * cos(theta / 2.0));
    else {
        return 0.0;


long double complex_root_i(long double xr, long double xi) {
    long double r, theta;
    r = sqrt(xr*xr + xi*xi);
    if (r != 0.0) {
        if (xr >= 0 && xi >= 0) {
            theta = atan(xi / xr);
        else if (xr < 0 && xi >= 0) {
            theta = PI - abs(atan(xi / xr));
        else if (xr < 0 && xi < 0) {
            theta = PI + abs(atan(xi / xr));
        else {
            theta = 2.0 * PI + atan(xi / xr);
        return (sqrt(r) * sin(theta / 2.0));
    else {
        return 0.0;

long double complex_cuberoot_r(long double xr, long double xi) {
    long double r, theta;
    r = sqrt(xr*xr + xi*xi);
    if (r != 0.0) {
        if (xr >= 0 && xi >= 0) {
            theta = atan(xi / xr);
        else if (xr < 0 && xi >= 0) {
            theta = PI - abs(atan(xi / xr));
        else if (xr < 0 && xi < 0) {
            theta = PI + abs(atan(xi / xr));
        else {
            theta = 2.0 * PI + atan(xi / xr);
        return (pow(r, 1.0 / 3.0) * cos(theta / 3.0));
    else {
        return 0.0;

long double complex_cuberoot_i(long double xr, long double xi) {
    long double r, theta;
    r = sqrt(xr*xr + xi*xi);
    if (r != 0.0) {
        if (xr >= 0 && xi >= 0) {
            theta = atan(xi / xr);
        else if (xr < 0 && xi >= 0) {
            theta = PI - abs(atan(xi / xr));
        else if (xr < 0 && xi < 0) {
            theta = PI + abs(atan(xi / xr));
        else {
            theta = 2.0 * PI + atan(xi / xr);
        return (pow(r, 1.0 / 3.0) * sin(theta / 3.0));
    else {
        return 0.0;

void main() {
    long double a[2], b[2], c[2], d[2], minusd[2];
    long double r, theta;
    cout << "ar?";
    cin >> a[0];
    cout << "ai?";
    cin >> a[1];
    cout << "br?";
    cin >> b[0];
    cout << "bi?";
    cin >> b[1];
    cout << "cr?";
    cin >> c[0];
    cout << "ci?";
    cin >> c[1];
    cout << "dr?";
    cin >> d[0];
    cout << "di?";
    cin >> d[1];

    if (b[0] == 0.0 && b[1] == 0.0 && c[0] == 0.0 && c[1] == 0.0) {
        if (d[0] == 0.0 && d[1] == 0.0) {
            cout << "x1r: 0.0 \n";
            cout << "x1i: 0.0 \n";
            cout << "x2r: 0.0 \n";
            cout << "x2i: 0.0 \n";
            cout << "x3r: 0.0 \n";
            cout << "x3i: 0.0 \n";
        else {
                minusd[0] = -d[0];
                minusd[1] = -d[1];
                r = sqrt(minusd[0]*minusd[0] + minusd[1]*minusd[1]);
                if (minusd[0] >= 0 && minusd[1] >= 0) {
                    theta = atan(minusd[1] / minusd[0]);
                else if (minusd[0] < 0 && minusd[1] >= 0) {
                    theta = PI - abs(atan(minusd[1] / minusd[0]));
                else if (minusd[0] < 0 && minusd[1] < 0) {
                    theta = PI + abs(atan(minusd[1] / minusd[0]));
                else {
                    theta = 2.0 * PI + atan(minusd[1] / minusd[0]);
                cout << "x1r: " << pow(r, 1.0 / 3.0) * cos(theta / 3.0) << "\n";
                cout << "x1i: " << pow(r, 1.0 / 3.0) * sin(theta / 3.0) << "\n";
                cout << "x2r: " << pow(r, 1.0 / 3.0) * cos((theta + 2.0 * PI) / 3.0) << "\n";
                cout << "x2i: " << pow(r, 1.0 / 3.0) * sin((theta + 2.0 * PI) / 3.0) << "\n";
                cout << "x3r: " << pow(r, 1.0 / 3.0) * cos((theta + 4.0 * PI) / 3.0) << "\n";
                cout << "x3i: " << pow(r, 1.0 / 3.0) * sin((theta + 4.0 * PI) / 3.0) << "\n";
        else {
        // find eigenvalues
        long double term0[2], term1[2], term2[2], term3[2], term3buf[2];
        long double first[2], second[2], second2[2], third[2];
        term0[0] = -4.0 * complex_quadraple_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], c[0], c[1], c[0], c[1], c[0], c[1]);
        term0[1] = -4.0 * complex_quadraple_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], c[0], c[1], c[0], c[1], c[0], c[1]);
        term0[0] += complex_quadraple_multiply_r(b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1], c[0], c[1], c[0], c[1]);
        term0[1] += complex_quadraple_multiply_i(b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1], c[0], c[1], c[0], c[1]);
        term0[0] += -4.0 * complex_quadraple_multiply_r(b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1], d[0], d[1]);
        term0[1] += -4.0 * complex_quadraple_multiply_i(b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1], d[0], d[1]);
        term0[0] += 18.0 * complex_quadraple_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], c[0], c[1], d[0], d[1]);
        term0[1] += 18.0 * complex_quadraple_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], c[0], c[1], d[0], d[1]);
        term0[0] += -27.0 * complex_quadraple_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], a[0], a[1], d[0], d[1], d[0], d[1]);
        term0[1] += -27.0 * complex_quadraple_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], a[0], a[1], d[0], d[1], d[0], d[1]);
        term1[0] = -27.0 * complex_triple_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], a[0], a[1], d[0], d[1]);
        term1[1] = -27.0 * complex_triple_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], a[0], a[1], d[0], d[1]);
        term1[0] += 9.0 * complex_triple_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], c[0], c[1]);
        term1[1] += 9.0 * complex_triple_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], c[0], c[1]);
        term1[0] -= 2.0 * complex_triple_multiply_r(b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1]);
        term1[1] -= 2.0 * complex_triple_multiply_i(b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1]);
        term2[0] = 3.0 * complex_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], c[0], c[1]);
        term2[1] = 3.0 * complex_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], c[0], c[1]);
        term2[0] -= complex_multiply_r(b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1]);
        term2[1] -= complex_multiply_i(b[0], b[1], b[0], b[1]);
        term3[0] = complex_multiply_r(term1[0], term1[1], term1[0], term1[1]);
        term3[1] = complex_multiply_i(term1[0], term1[1], term1[0], term1[1]);
        term3[0] += 4.0 * complex_triple_multiply_r(term2[0], term2[1], term2[0], term2[1], term2[0], term2[1]);
        term3[1] += 4.0 * complex_triple_multiply_i(term2[0], term2[1], term2[0], term2[1], term2[0], term2[1]);
        term3buf[0] = term3[0];
        term3buf[1] = term3[1];
        term3[0] = complex_root_r(term3buf[0], term3buf[1]);
        term3[1] = complex_root_i(term3buf[0], term3buf[1]);

        if (term0[0] == 0.0 && term0[1] == 0.0 && term1[0] == 0.0 && term1[1] == 0.0) {
            cout << "x1r: " << -pow(d[0], 1.0 / 3.0) << "\n";
            cout << "x1i: " << 0.0 << "\n";
            cout << "x2r: " << -pow(d[0], 1.0 / 3.0) << "\n";
            cout << "x2i: " << 0.0 << "\n";
            cout << "x3r: " << -pow(d[0], 1.0 / 3.0) << "\n";
            cout << "x3i: " << 0.0 << "\n";
        else {
            // eigenvalue1
            first[0] = complex_divide_r(complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), 3.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[0], 3.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[1]);
            first[1] = complex_divide_i(complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), 3.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[0], 3.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[1]);
            second[0] = complex_divide_r(pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * term2[0], pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * term2[1], 3.0 * complex_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), 3.0 * complex_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])));
            second[1] = complex_divide_i(pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * term2[0], pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * term2[1], 3.0 * complex_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), 3.0 * complex_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])));
            third[0] = complex_divide_r(b[0], b[1], 3.0 * a[0], 3.0 * a[1]);
            third[1] = complex_divide_i(b[0], b[1], 3.0 * a[0], 3.0 * a[1]);
            cout << "x1r: " << first[0] - second[0] - third[0] << "\n";
            cout << "x1i: " << first[1] - second[1] - third[1] << "\n";

            // eigenvalue2
            first[0] = complex_divide_r(complex_multiply_r(1.0, -sqrt(3.0), complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), complex_multiply_i(1.0, -sqrt(3.0), complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), 6.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[0], 6.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[1]);
            first[1] = complex_divide_i(complex_multiply_r(1.0, -sqrt(3.0), complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), complex_multiply_i(1.0, -sqrt(3.0), complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), 6.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[0], 6.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[1]);
            second[0] = complex_divide_r(complex_multiply_r(1.0, sqrt(3.0), term2[0], term2[1]), complex_multiply_i(1.0, sqrt(3.0), term2[0], term2[1]), 3.0 * pow(2.0, 2.0 / 3.0) * complex_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), 3.0 * pow(2.0, 2.0 / 3.0) * complex_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])));
            second[1] = complex_divide_i(complex_multiply_r(1.0, sqrt(3.0), term2[0], term2[1]), complex_multiply_i(1.0, sqrt(3.0), term2[0], term2[1]), 3.0 * pow(2.0, 2.0 / 3.0) * complex_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), 3.0 * pow(2.0, 2.0 / 3.0) * complex_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])));
            third[0] = complex_divide_r(b[0], b[1], 3.0 * a[0], 3.0 * a[1]);
            third[1] = complex_divide_i(b[0], b[1], 3.0 * a[0], 3.0 * a[1]);
            cout << "x2r: " << -first[0] + second[0] - third[0] << "\n";
            cout << "x2i: " << -first[1] + second[1] - third[1] << "\n";

            // eigenvalue3
            first[0] = complex_divide_r(complex_multiply_r(1.0, sqrt(3.0), complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), complex_multiply_i(1.0, sqrt(3.0), complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), 6.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[0], 6.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[1]);
            first[1] = complex_divide_i(complex_multiply_r(1.0, sqrt(3.0), complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), complex_multiply_i(1.0, sqrt(3.0), complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), 6.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[0], 6.0 * pow(2.0, 1.0 / 3.0) * a[1]);
            second[0] = complex_divide_r(complex_multiply_r(1.0, -sqrt(3.0), term2[0], term2[1]), complex_multiply_i(1.0, -sqrt(3.0), term2[0], term2[1]), 3.0 * pow(2.0, 2.0 / 3.0) * complex_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), 3.0 * pow(2.0, 2.0 / 3.0) * complex_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])));
            second[1] = complex_divide_i(complex_multiply_r(1.0, -sqrt(3.0), term2[0], term2[1]), complex_multiply_i(1.0, -sqrt(3.0), term2[0], term2[1]), 3.0 * pow(2.0, 2.0 / 3.0) * complex_multiply_r(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])), 3.0 * pow(2.0, 2.0 / 3.0) * complex_multiply_i(a[0], a[1], complex_cuberoot_r(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1]), complex_cuberoot_i(term3[0] + term1[0], term3[1] + term1[1])));
            third[0] = complex_divide_r(b[0], b[1], 3.0 * a[0], 3.0 * a[1]);
            third[1] = complex_divide_i(b[0], b[1], 3.0 * a[0], 3.0 * a[1]);
            cout << "x3r: " << -first[0] + second[0] - third[0] << "\n";
            cout << "x3i: " << -first[1] + second[1] - third[1] << "\n";

    int end;
    cin >> end;

Falls jemand braucht C ++ Code, können Sie dieses Stück OpenCV verwenden: /opencv/blob/master/modules/calib3d/src/polynom_solver.cpp

Das folgende Programm perfekt löst die kubische Gleichung der Form Ax ^ 3 + Bx ^ 2 + Cx + D.

Der einwandfreie Code wird in .Net C # geschrieben.

Die realen und imaginären Wurzeln von schwarzen und roten Farben getrennt sind.

Sie einfach den Wert der Variablen aktualisieren A, B, C und D die Antworten heißt die Lösung der Gleichung zu sehen.

Die 2 Wurzeln zu finden, Lösung einer quadratischen Gleichung besuchen Sie bitte hier.

eingeben Bild Beschreibung hier


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