
I have a workflow that generates folders in a separate document library based on information from a task list. I've enabled it to be started manually and when a task is created. However, on certain tasks the workflow pops up with an error:

enter image description here

I've tried editing it several different ways, to no avail. There is seemingly no sense in which ones it doesn't create, there is no evident similarity that could be causing the error between the items.

Does anyone know a particular reason why this might be happening?

In terms of the workflow, this is what I have:

enter image description here

In terms of the initial list, it is a task list where things like a task ID, title, due date, assigned to, etc are located. The task library is a document library with folders. The Variable:create4 is where Path and Name are [%Current Item:ID%] - [%Current Item:Task Name], and content type ID is folder. The idea behind it is that whenever a new task is created, a folder is automatically generated in the task library where all related files can be put relating to that task.

War es hilfreich?

Lösung 2

I ended up fixing the issue by creating a seperate Task ID and Task Name Column in the Task Library. This allowed for a less complicated string going into the path and name. It works quite well now, I've even fixed the ordering issue by adding a secondary ID column that converts the numbers to have "00" in front to allow for proper numerical ordering. Thank you for all your help.

Andere Tipps

You can download a uls viewer to check the ULS log for more information. Here is a tutorial:

The error message shows the issue may due to the action of creating list item failed. Make sure the list exist and user can create list item there. If possible, would you like to share us with your workflow and some information about corresponding lists and libraries?

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