Magento2: How to show recently added wishlist to be displayed at the starting In wishlist Page?



I want to show a recently added wishlist to be displayed at the starting In wishlist Page in magento2? Any help would be appreciated.

War es hilfreich?


You can create di.xml file in your custom module here


Content for this file is..

<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
    <preference for="Magento\Wishlist\Block\Customer\Wishlist" type="Vendor\Module\Block\Customer\Wishlist" />

Now we need to create one Block file here in custom module


Content for this file is..

namespace Vendor\Module\Block\Customer;

class Wishlist extends \Magento\Wishlist\Block\Customer\Wishlist
    protected function _prepareCollection($collection)
        $collection->setInStockFilter(true)->setOrder('added_at', 'DESC');
        return $this;

Hope this will help you!

Andere Tipps

_prepareCollection method is not overriding for some reason. So overrided a public function "getWishlistItems" which calls the protected function "_prepareCollection" . Also need to override the private method which is called insided the "getWishlistItems" function. In that way i can able to achieve it. So the required functions inside the above suggested class content by Kishan will be

public function getWishlistItems()
    if ($this->_collection === null) {
        $this->_collection = $this->_createWishlistItemCollection();
    return $this->_collection;

private function paginateCollection()
    $page = $this->getRequest()->getParam("p", 1);
    $limit = $this->getRequest()->getParam("limit", 10);

protected function _prepareCollection($collection)
    $collection->setInStockFilter(true)->setOrder('added_at', 'DESC');
    return $this;

It works for me. Hope this will help someone.

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