
Firstly I tried to get fabric working, but it kept asking me for a password.

So I'm trying to reduce the problem. Perhaps it would be a good POC to just create a SSH connection from Python. I discovered that fabric uses parmiko for it's SSH handling. Hmm. Ok, lets try to get an example working.

Here's what I wrote.

from ssh import *
import os 


print "SSH_AGENT_PID: %s " % os.environ['SSH_AGENT_PID']
print "SSH_AUTH_SOCK: %s " % os.environ['SSH_AUTH_SOCK']

a = Agent()
print keys.count("")

client = SSHClient()

Resulting in the following error messages:

% ./
SSH_AUTH_SOCK: /tmp/ssh-pZHBElj26556/agent.26556 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 18, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ssh/", line 332, in connect
    self._auth(username, password, pkey, key_filenames, allow_agent, look_for_keys)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ssh/", line 493, in _auth
    raise saved_exception
ssh.PasswordRequiredException: Private key file is encrypted

ssh-agent is running in my session, I can SSH to that box, no problems, it doesn't prompt me for a password or anything.

I'm guessing paramiko isn't able to connect to the running ssh-agent for some weird reason.

Has anyone else had a problem like this? I'm using Ubuntu 11.10

I seem to remember trying Fabric a while back and having similar problems, perhaps it's been broken for a while?

I connect, just using the host name as the argument. This is as per the documentation.

connect(self, hostname, port=22, username=None, password=None, pkey=None, key_filename=None, timeout=None, allow_agent=True, look_for_keys=True, compress=False)
War es hilfreich?

Lösung 2

Ok, so the first thing I discovered was that Paramiko is way out of date, and unmaintained.

It's now known as package ssh, at least under Ubuntu, and has a different maintainer (bitprophet)

Here's a sample session, using it:

$ ./
*** Host key OK.
Username [bryan]: root
Trying ssh-agent key eee5638f390e1698898984b10adfa9317 ... success!
*** Here we go!

Linux 2.9.37-1-amd64 #1 SMP Thu Nov 3 03:41:26 UTC 2011 x86_64

That doesn't answer the question of why fabric isn't authenticating against the ssh-agent correctly thought. So the question remains open.


Thanks to Morgan's hint, I've gotten a little further with this problem. As he suggested, I enabled ssh logging by adding the following to the top of my

from fabric.api import *
import ssh
ssh.util.log_to_file("paramiko.log", 10)

I also monitored the server log. In doing so I discovered that the user which I specified was being disregarded and my local username used instead.

On the server:

tail -f /var/log/auth.log 
Mar 28 11:12:36 xxxxxxxxxxx sshd[17652]: Invalid user bryan from


tail -f paramiko.log    
DEB [20120328-11:39:29.038] thr=1   ssh.transport: starting thread (client mode): 0x8dfc66cL
INF [20120328-11:39:29.066] thr=1   ssh.transport: Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_5.5p1)
DEB [20120328-11:39:29.093] thr=1   ssh.transport: kex algos:['diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256', 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1'] server key:['ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss'] client encrypt:['aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'arcfour256', 'arcfour128', 'aes128-cbc', '3des-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc', 'cast128-cbc', 'aes192-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'arcfour', ''] server encrypt:['aes128-ctr', 'aes192-ctr', 'aes256-ctr', 'arcfour256', 'arcfour128', 'aes128-cbc', '3des-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc', 'cast128-cbc', 'aes192-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', 'arcfour', ''] client mac:['hmac-md5', 'hmac-sha1', '', 'hmac-ripemd160', '', 'hmac-sha1-96', 'hmac-md5-96'] server mac:['hmac-md5', 'hmac-sha1', '', 'hmac-ripemd160', '', 'hmac-sha1-96', 'hmac-md5-96'] client compress:['none', ''] server compress:['none', ''] client lang:[''] server lang:[''] kex follows?False
DEB [20120328-11:39:29.093] thr=1   ssh.transport: Ciphers agreed: local=aes128-ctr, remote=aes128-ctr
DEB [20120328-11:39:29.093] thr=1   ssh.transport: using kex diffie-hellman-group1-sha1; server key type ssh-rsa; cipher: local aes128-ctr, remote aes128-ctr; mac: local hmac-sha1, remote hmac-sha1; compression: local none, remote none
DEB [20120328-11:39:29.183] thr=1   ssh.transport: Switch to new keys ...
DEB [20120328-11:39:29.224] thr=2   ssh.transport: Trying SSH agent key cda5638f390e166864444b1093b91017
DEB [20120328-11:39:29.272] thr=1   ssh.transport: userauth is OK
INF [20120328-11:39:53.310] thr=1   ssh.transport: Authentication (publickey) failed.
DEB [20120328-11:41:29.076] thr=1   ssh.transport: EOF in transport thread

Hmm, that's strange, I ran the command as: fab diskfree -H -u root

But what is this?

$ cat ./
from fabric.api import *
import ssh
ssh.util.log_to_file("paramiko.log", 10)

env.user = 'bryan'

def host_type():
 run('uname -s')

def diskfree():
 run('df -h') 


env.user = 'bryan'

Could that be the root of the problem? Could the ssh error messages just be misleading me?

I removed the line and it worked, so I guess so, is the answer.

Andere Tipps

So from the paramiko code and yours when you do a.get_keys() that should return a list. I'd see what it returns. And it woudln't return something you can count like that, as it's returning the actual encrypted key bits. But anyhow, as you've moved onto ssh, and that works, let's move to Fabric.

You can get more logging by turning it on for the ssh lib by doing:

import ssh
ssh.util.log_to_file("paramiko.log", 10)

In your fabfile. This'll up all the logs and show more of what paramiko/ssh itself is doing which may assist you in debugging the issue further.

I would try to specify the passphrase as the keyword password argument to connect().

As stated in the docs for SSHCLient.connect(), it uses any PKey it can find in the system if not provided with a specific one. The class methods from_private_key() and from_private_key_file() (I'm not sure which one of them is called, probably both) take an optional argument password. The docs say,

If the private key is encrypted and password is not None, the given password will be used to decrypt the key (otherwise PasswordRequiredException is thrown).

...which is probably what's happening in your case.

i had this issue and what worked for me what starting the SSH_AGENT:

eval $(ssh-agent)

and adding the SSH_KEY:

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Perhaps you need to run, to add the key to the agent.

$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_dsa!topic/ansible-project/yRSMmlqKsAA

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