
I have HTTP header request and reply data in tab delimited form with each GET/POST and reply in different lines. This data is such that there are multiple GET, POST and REPLY for one TCP flow. I need to choose only the first valid GET - REPLY pair out of these cases. An example (simplified) is:

ID       Source    Dest    Bytes   Type   Content-Length  host               lines.... 
1         A         B       10     GET        NA            2
1         A         B       10     REPLY      10          NA                   2 
2         C         D       40     GET        NA           4
2         C         D       40     REPLY      20          NA                   4
2         C         D       40     GET        NA           4
2         C         D       40     REPLY      30          NA                   4
3         A         B       250    POST       NA       5
3         A         B       250    REPLY      NA          NA                   5
3         A         B       250    REPLY      15          NA                   5
3         A         B       250    GET        NA             5
3         A         B       250    REPLY      35          NA                   5
4         G         H       415    REPLY      10          NA                   6
4         G         H       415    POST       NA         6
4         G         H       415    REPLY      NA          NA                   6
4         G         H       415    REPLY      NA          NA                   6
4         G         H       415    GET        NA  6
4         G         H       415    REPLY      50          NA                   6


So, basically I need to get one request-reply pair for each ID and write them to a new file.

For '1' it is just one pair so it is easy. But there are also false cases with both lines being a GET, POST or REPLY. So, such cases are ignored.

For '2', I would choose the first GET - REPLY pair.

For '3', I would choose the first GET but the second REPLY as the Content-Length is absent in the first (making the subsequest REPLY a better candidate).

For '4', I would choose the first POST (or GET) as the first header cannot be REPLY. I would not choose the REPLY after the second GET even though the content length is missing in ones after the POST., as the REPLY comes after that. So I would just choose the first REPLY.

So, after choosing the best request and reply pair, I need to pair them up in a single line. For the example, the output would be:

 ID       Source    Dest    Bytes   Type   Content-Length  host         .... 
   1         A         B       10     GET      10
   2         C         D       40     GET      20
   3         A         B       250    POST     15
   4         G         H       415    POST     NA

There are a lot of other headers in the actual data but this example pretty much shows what I need. How would one do this in Perl? I pretty much am stuck in the beginning so I have only been able to read the file one line at a time.

open F, "<", "file.txt" || die "Cannot open $f: $!";

  while (<F>) {
    my @line = split /\t/;

      # get the valid pairs for cases with multiple request - replies

      # get the paired up data together

  close (F);

*Edit: I have added an additional column giving the number of HTTP header lines for each ID. This may help to know how many subsequent lines to check. Also, I modified ID '4' so that the first header line is a REPLY. *

War es hilfreich?


The program below does what I think you need.

It is commented and I think it is fairly legible. Please ask if anything is unclear.

use strict;
use warnings;

use List::Util 'max';

my $file = $ARGV[0] // 'file.txt';
open my $fh, '<', $file or die qq(Unable to open "$file" for reading: $!);

# Read the field names from the first line to index the hashes
# Remember where the data in the file starts so we can get back here
my @fields = split ' ', <$fh>;
my $start = tell $fh;

# Build a format to print the accumulated data
# Create a hash that relates column headers to their widths
my @headers = qw/ ID Source Dest Bytes Type Content-Length host /;
my %len = map { $_ => length } @headers;

# Read through the file to find the maximum data width for each column
while (<$fh>) {
  my %data;
  @data{@fields} = split;
  next unless $data{ID} =~ /^\d/;
  $len{$_} = max($len{$_}, length $data{$_}) for @headers;

# Build a format string using the values calculated
my $format = join '   ', map sprintf('%%%ds', $_), @len{@headers};
$format .= "\n";

# Go back to the start of the data
# Print the column headers
seek $fh, $start, 0;
printf $format, @headers;

# Build transaction data hashes into $record and print them
# Ignore any events before the first request
# Ignore the second request and anything after it
# Update the stored Content-Length field if a value other than NA appears
my $record;
my $nreq = 0;

while (<$fh>) {

  my %data;
  @data{@fields} = split;
  my ($id, $type) = @data{ qw/ ID Type / };
  next unless $id =~ /^\d/;

  if ($record and $id ne $record->{ID}) {
    printf $format, @{$record}{@headers};
    undef $record;
    $nreq = 0;

  if ($type eq 'GET' or $type eq 'POST') {
    $record = \%data if $nreq == 0;
  elsif ($nreq == 1) {
    if ($record->{'Content-Length'} eq 'NA' and $data{'Content-Length'} ne 'NA') {
      $record->{'Content-Length'} = $data{'Content-Length'};

printf $format, @{$record}{@headers} if $record;


With the data given in the question, this program produces

ID   Source   Dest   Bytes    Type   Content-Length                  host
 1        A      B      10     GET               10   
 2        C      D      40     GET               20  
 3        A      B     250    POST               15
 4        G      H     415    POST               NA

Andere Tipps

This seems to work on the given data:

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

# Shape of input records
use constant ID       => 0;
use constant Source   => 1;
use constant Dest     => 2;
use constant Bytes    => 3;
use constant Type     => 4;
use constant Length   => 5;
use constant Host     => 6;

use constant fmt_head => "%-6s  %-6s  %-6s  %-6s  %-6s  %-6s  %s\n";
use constant fmt_data => "%-6d  %-6s  %-6s  % 6d  %-6s  % 6s  %s\n";

printf fmt_head, "ID", "Source", "Dest", "Bytes", "Type", "Length", "Host";

my @post_get;
my @reply;
my $lastid = -1;
my $pg_count = 0;

sub print_data
    # Final validity checking
    if ($lastid != -1)
        printf fmt_data, $post_get[ID], $post_get[Source],
               $post_get[Dest], $post_get[Bytes], $post_get[Type], $reply[Length], $post_get[Host];
        # Reset arrays;
        @post_get = ();
        @reply = ();
        $pg_count = 0;

while (<>)
    my @record = split;
    # Validate record here (number of fields, etc)
    # Detect change in ID
    print_data if ($record[ID] != $lastid);
    $lastid = $record[ID];

    if ($record[Type] eq "REPLY")
        # Discard REPLY if there wasn't already a POST/GET
        next unless defined $post_get[ID];
        # Discard REPLY if there was a second POST/GET
        next if $pg_count > 1;
        @reply = @record if !defined $reply[ID];
        $reply[Length] = $record[Length]
                         if $reply[Length] eq "NA" && $record[Length] ne "NA";
        @post_get = @record if !defined $post_get[ID];
        $post_get[Length] = $record[Length]
                            if $post_get[Length] eq "NA" && $record[Length] ne "NA";

It produces:

ID   Source   Dest   Bytes   Type   Content-Length             host
 1        A      B      10    GET               10
 2        C      D      40    GET               20
 3        A      B     250   POST               15
 4        G      H     415   POST               NA

The main deviation from the question is the substitution of 'Length' for 'Content-Length'; the fix is easy if enough if desired — change the 6th length in the fmt_data and fmt_head to length 14, and change "Length" to "Content-Length".

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