
Possible Duplicate:
I need a fast runtime expression parser

How do I make it that when someone types in x*y^z in a textbox on my page to calculate that equation in the code behind and get the result?

War es hilfreich?

Lösung 4

solved with this library

my final code

Calculator Cal = new Calculator();
txt_LambdaNoot.Text = (Cal.Evaluate(txt_C.Text) / fo).ToString();

now when some one type 3*10^11 he will get 300000000000

Andere Tipps

.NET does not have a built-in function for evaluating arbitrary strings. However, an open source .NET library named NCalc does.

NCalc is a mathematical expressions evaluator in .NET. NCalc can parse any expression and evaluate the result, including static or dynamic parameters and custom functions.

Answer from operators as strings by user :

"If all you need is simple arithmetic, do this.

    DataTable temp = new DataTable();
    Console.WriteLine(temp.Compute("15 / 3",string.Empty));

EDIT: a little more information. Check out the MSDN documentation for the Expression property of the System.Data.DataColumn class. The stuff on "Expression Syntax" outlines a list of commands you can use in addition to the arithmetic operators. (ex. IIF, LEN, etc.)."

There are two main approaches to this problem, each with some variations, as illustrated in the variety of answers.

  • Option A: Find an existing mathematical expresssion evaluator
  • Option B: Write your own parser and the logic to compute the result

Before going into some details about this, it is appropriate to stress that interpreting arbitrary mathematical expressions is not a trivial task, for any expression grammar other than "toy" grammars such as these that only accept one or two arithmetic operations and do not allow parenthesis etc.

Understanding that such task is deceivingly trivial, and acknowledging that, after all, interpreting arithmetic expressions of average complexity is a relatively recurrent need for various applications [hence one for which mature solutions should be available], it is probably wise to try and make do with "Option A".
I'd therefore second Jed's recommendation of a ready-make expression evaluator such as NCalc.

It may be useful however to take the time and understand the various concepts and methods associated with parsing and interpreting arithmetic expressions, as if one were going to whip-up one's own implementation.

The key concept is that of a formal grammar. The arithmetic expressions which the evaluator will accept must follow a set of rules such as the list of arithmetic operations allowed. For example will the evaluator support, say, trigonometric functions, or if it does, will this also include say atan2(). The rules also indicate what consitutes an operand, for example will it be allowed to input numerical values as big as say 45 digits. etc. The point is that all these rules are formalized in a grammar.

Typically a grammar works on tokens which have previously been extracted from the raw input text. Essentially at some time in the process, some logic needs to analyze the input string, character by character, and determine which sequences of characters go together. For example in the 123 + 45 / 9.3 expression, the tokens are the integer value 123, the plus operator, the integer value 45, the division operator and finally the 9.3 real value. The task of identifying the tokens and associating them with a token type is the job a lexer. Lexers can be build themselves on a grammar (a grammar which "tokens" are single characters, as opposed to the grammar for the arithmetic expression parser which tokens are short strings produced by the lexer.)

BTW, grammars are used to define many other things beyond arithmetic expressions. Computer languages follow [rather sophiticated] grammars, but it is relatively common to introduce Domain Specific Languages aka DSLs in support of various features of computer applications.

For very simple grammars, one may be able to write the corresponding lexer and parser from scratch. But sooner than later the grammars may get complicated to the point that hand-writing these modules becomes fastidious, bug-prone and maybe more importantly difficult to read. Hence the existence of Lexer and Parser Generators which are stand-alone programs that produce the code of lexers and parsers (in a particular programming language such as C, Java or C#) from a list of rules (expressed in a syntax particular to the generator, though many generators tend to use similar syntaxes, loosely base on BNF).

When using such a lexer/parser generator, work in done in multiple steps:
- first one writes a definition of the grammar (in the generator-specific language/syntax)
- one runs this grammar through the generator.
- one often repeats the above two steps multiple times, because writing a grammar is an exacting exercise: the generator will complain of many possible ambiguities one may write into the grammar.
- eventually the generator produces a source file (in the desired target language such as C# etc.)
- this source is included in the overall project
- other source files in the project may invoke the functions exposed in the source files produced by the generator and/or some logic corresponding to various patterns identified during parsing may readily be may imbedded in the generator produced code.
- the project can then be build as usual, i.e. as if the parser and lexer had be hand-written.

And that's about it for a 20,000 feet high presentation of the process of working with formal grammars and code generators.
A list of parser-generators (aka compiler-compilers) can be found at this link. For simple work in C# I also want to mention Irony. It may be very insightful to peruse these sites, to get a better feel for these concept, even without the intent of becoming a practitioner at this time.
As said, I wish to stress that for this particular application, a ready-made arithmetic evaluator is likely the better approach. The main downside of these would be

  • some limitations as to what the allowed expression syntax is (either the grammar allowed is too restrictive: you also need say stddev() or is too broad: you don't want your users to use trig functions. With the more mature evaluators, there will be some form of configuration/extension feature which allows dealing with this problem.
  • the learning curve of such a 3rd party module. Hopefully many of them should be relatively "plug-and-play".

You will need to implement (or find a third-party source) an expression parser. This is not a trivial thing to do.

What you need - if you want to do it yourself - is a Scanner (also known as Lexer) + Parser in the code behind which interprets the expression. Alternatively, you can find a 3rd party library which does the job and works similar as the JavaScript eval(string) function does.

Please take a look here, it describes an recursive descent parser. The example is written in C, but you should be able to adapt it to C# easily once you got the idea described in the article.

It is less complicated than it sounds, especially if you have a limited amount of operators to support.

The advantage is that you keep full control on what expressions will be executed (to prevent malicious code injections by the end-user of your website).

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