
I am trying to make pathogen work but I am getting a no matches found error:

I followed the instructions here and getting the above error.

mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle; \
curl -Sso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim \

and pathogen.vim is created in autoload folder and a bundle folder is created as well.

The error I am receiving is

~/.vim]$ source ~/.vimrc    
/Users/malugus/.vimrc:1: no matches found: pathogen#infect

I am on a mac 10.7.5 and I am using zsh shell. Vim version is 7.3

Other related posts seem to be getting a different error - no function found. I suspect autoload isn't doing what it is supposed to do.

Related SO posts that I tried with no avail:

Update: Also I put up my .vim files here - After installing the ruby doc plugin, I ran rake. Few files were created including ~/.vim/plugin/ruby-doc.vim. So I go back vim and open a rails file. When I press RR on a ruby method, I see the screen flicker but I see no browser being opened. The functionality of the plugin is to open the ruby doc in a browser window.

So thinking about this- the problem might be with my vim configuration but not related to pathogen.

War es hilfreich?


pathogent#infect is a wrong name: there is a t just before # which should not be there.

But I see your problem is different: ~/.vim]$ suggests that you are doing source ~/.vimrc while being in zsh. It is completely wrong, ~/.vimrc is a vim configuration file and you must do source ~/.vimrc in an existing vim session (in new vim session there is no need in doing so: vim sources file automatically). I still don’t get why you are having “no matches found error”, on my system zsh reports parse error near `\n' for line call pathogen#infect() which is what you are supposed to use.

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