
What tools or libraries exists for Java that will take an interface only with accessor method definitions and automatically generate an immutable object class and also a "builder" class for incrementally building new instances or changing existing instances by creating new ones?

Example input:

public interface Car {
    String getModelName();
    int getWheelCount();

Example output:

import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.NotThreadSafe;

public final class ImmutableCar implements Car {

    public static final class Builder implements Car {

        private String modelName;
        private int wheelCount;

        public Builder() {

        public Builder(final Car car) {
            modelName = car.getModelName();
            wheelCount = car.getWheelCount();

        public ImmutableCar build() {
            return new ImmutableCar(wheelCount, modelName);

        public String getModelName() {
            return modelName;

        public int getWheelCount() {
            return wheelCount;

        public void setModelName(final String modelName) {
            this.modelName = modelName;

        public void setWheelCount(final int wheelCount) {
            this.wheelCount = wheelCount;

    private final String modelName;
    private final int wheelCount;

    public ImmutableCar(final int wheelCount, final String modelName) {
        this.wheelCount = wheelCount;
        this.modelName = modelName;

    public String getModelName() {
        return modelName;

    public int getWheelCount() {
        return wheelCount;

War es hilfreich?


Immutables ( annotation processor is the exact match for your needs. It is full-featured and very customizable (you know all those set vs with vs no-prefix wars, - use whatever you prefer). It can generate immutable implementation with builders for interfaces, abstract classes, annotations. In addition, it can generate builders to invoke static factory methods or POJO constructors and many other things.

public interface ValueObject {
  String name();
  List<Integer> counts();
  Optional<String> description();

// Compile using annotation processor and use it like this
ValueObject valueObject =
      .name("My value")

Andere Tipps

Google have a tool called AutoValue that does this, except based on an abstract base class instead of an interface.


class Example {
  abstract static class Animal {
    static Builder builder() {
      return new AutoValue_Example_Animal.Builder();

    abstract String name();
    abstract int numberOfLegs();

    abstract static class Builder {
      abstract Builder name(String s);
      abstract Builder numberOfLegs(int n);
      abstract Animal build();

Another similar tool is Immutables; this is probably a closer match to the question, as it uses an interface and generates an immutable implementation and a builder.

Lombok allows code like this:

public class ImmutableCar implements Car {
    private final @lombok.NonNull String modelName;
    private final @lombok.NonNull int wheelCount;

The lombok annotations are processed at compile time (JSR-269) to generate the full class. It is also possible to look at the generated code by 'delomboking' via a Maven plugin.

check out Eclipse Model2Text project and its subprojects, especially Acceleo and Xpand. they are generally used to generate EMF-based Java code for EMF models but they can be used to generate simple POJOs too.

however this functionality does not come out of the box: you'd have to create your own code generator and templates for it. see Accelelo tutorial .


one more idea - one so simple that it took me a day to realize it

you can use Velocity, Freemarker or similar template library (which are normally used for html generation). though still you need to make a model somewhere, in a .txt or .xml file for example. here's a tutorial on Velocity code generation.

I just created an eclipse plugin

It generates code based on Freemarker templates. The context to the Freemarker template is a ICompilationUnit which allows fully access to named classes and their information. We are using it to generate DAOs for NoSQL databases, jersey client, tests, etc.

I think it can easily do what is required here.

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