"An error occured when executing the cache:clear --no-warmup" while installing symfony-cmf-standard

StackOverflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14893082

  •  09-03-2022
  •  | 


I was trying to install symfony-cmf-standard using:

composer.phar create-project symfony-cmf/standard-edition symfony-cmf-standard/ --stability=dev

But I am getting the following error:

Could not open input file: app/console
Script sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache handling the post-install-cmd event terminated with an exception

An error occured when executing the cache:clear --no-warmup

I am running the command as an Administrator so it should not be a permission issue.

War es hilfreich?


It gives error as when we use the command,

composer.phar create-project symfony-cmf/standard-edition symfony-cmf-standard/ --stability=dev

It creates symfony-cmf-standard folder as a project folder and starts installing dependencies but in between it tries to clear cache using

php app/console cache:clear

But as the current location is outside of the project folder it can not locate app/console so it fails.

Now if we change the directory to inside the project folder and clear cache manually by using command

php app/console cache:clear 

It clears cache and then we need to again update dependencies using

php composer.phar update 

It worked for me.

Andere Tipps

I've got an error cut also in the same case: "...PHP Fatal error: Class 'DOMDocument' not found..."

Works after:

  1. install php-xml (can be optionally compiled with this option I suppose)
  2. set date.timezone in /etc/php.ini

On my side with php7.0 I had to install :

  • php7.0-mbstring
  • php7.0-xml

Then it worked :)

This happens because of the following bug in DoctrinePHPCRBundle: https://github.com/doctrine/DoctrinePHPCRBundle/issues/17

To fix it, edit the file vendor/doctrine/phpcr-bundle/Doctrine/Bundle/PHPCRBundle/Resources/config/odm.xml inside your symfony-cmf-standard folder and replace this line:

<parameter key="doctrine_phpcr.odm.metadata.driver_chain.class">Doctrine\ODM\PHPCR\Mapping\Driver\DriverChain</parameter>

With this one:

<parameter key="doctrine_phpcr.odm.metadata.driver_chain.class">Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\Driver\MappingDriverChain</parameter>

Now copy composer.phar inside your symfony-cmf-standard folder and run with administrator privileges the command:

php composer.phar update

Make sure these are installed:

  • php-mb or php54w-mbstring or php55w-mbstring
  • php-xml or php54-xml or php55w-xml

After spending a couple hours on the issue, under FreeBSD you need to install port textproc/php80-xmlreader as well.

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