
I have a usercontrol that raises an event after communicating with a web service. The parent handles this event when raised. What I thought would be the proper approach would be to pass the object returned from the webservice to the parent as eventargs???

If this is the proper way I can't seem to find the instructions on how to do so.


public event EventHandler LoginCompleted;

then later after the service returns biz object:

if (this.LoginCompleted != null)
            this.LoginCompleted(this, new EventArgs() //this is where I would attach / pass my biz object no?);  


ctrl_Login.LoginCompleted += ctrl_Login_LoginCompleted;
void ctrl_Login_LoginCompleted(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //get my object returned by login

So my question is what would be the "approved" method for getting the user object back to the parent? Create a property class that everything can access and put it there?

War es hilfreich?


You would have to declare your event using EventHandler<T> where T is your class that derives from EventArgs:

public event EventHandler<LoginCompletedEventArgs> LoginCompleted;

LoginCompletedEventArgs could look like this:

public class LoginCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs
    private readonly YourBusinessObject _businessObject;

    public LoginCompletedEventArgs(YourBusinessObject businessObject)
        _businessObject = businessObject;

    public YourBusinessObject BusinessObject
        get { return _businessObject; }

Usage would be like this:

private void RaiseLoginCompleted(YourBusinessObject  businessObject)
    var handler = LoginCompleted;
    if(handler == null)

    handler(this, new LoginCompletedEventArgs(businessObject));

Please notice how I implemented RaiseLoginCompleted. This is a thread-safe version of raising the event. I eliminates a possible NullReferenceException that can occur in a race condition scenario where one thread wants to raise the event and another thread un-subscribes the last handler after the if check but before actually invoking the handler.

Andere Tipps

Well, you could do all that or you could define a delegate as your EventHandler and define your properties in its signature.

Such as:

public delegate void MyEventEventHandler(int prop1, string prop2, object prop3...);

public event MyEventEventHandler MyEvent;

I personally like Toni Petrina's approach (see It differs from the accepted answer in that you don't have to create a special EventHandler class (e.g. LoginCompletedEventArgs).

(Note: I am using VS 2015 and C# v6. In older versions of Visual Studio and C#, you may have to add using System.Linq;)

Create a generic EventArgs<T> class that inherits from EventArgs...

class EventArgs<T> : EventArgs {

  public T Value { get; private set; }

  public EventArgs(T val) {
     Value = val;


Declare your event handler...

public event EventHandler<EventArgs<object>> LoginCompleted;

Assuming you have declared and assigned an object named loginObject, add code to raise you event...

private void RaiseLoginCompleted() {
  if (LoginCompleted != null)
    LoginCompleted(this, new EventArgs<object>(loginObject));

In your client code, add the LoginCompleted event handler (uses Linq and calls a local method)...

LoginCompleted += (o, e) => onLoginCompleted(e.Value); // calls a local method

void onLoginCompleted(LoginObject obj) {
  // add your code here

I recommend use named tuples with EventHandler<TEventArgs>.

I like olddog's answer. Microsoft already has this delegate EventHandler< TEventArgs >.

public delegate void EventHandler<TEventArgs>(object sender, TEventArgs e);

You don't need to inherits from EventArgs.

Declare your event handler with named tuples.

public event EventHandler<(int id, string message, object LoginObject)> LoginCompleted;

In your client code, assign method to the LoginCompleted event handler

option 1: use lambda

LoginCompleted  += (o, e) =>
    Console.WriteLine($"Hello, sender is {o.ToString()}! id is {}, message is {e.message}, and LoginObject is {e.LoginObject.ToString()}. ");

option 2: call a local method

LoginCompleted  += onLoginCompleted;

private static void onLoginCompleted  (object sender, (int id, string message,  object LoginObject) e)
    Console.WriteLine($"Hello, sender is {sender.ToString()}! id is {}, message is {e.message}, and LoginObject is {e.LoginObject.ToString()}. ");

I just wrote an example, please refer to my repo

sometimes it sucks to create a class for merely passing a bool as a derived EventArgs! so you can simply use Action instead of EventHandler. you can pass any type and how many parameters you like (Action supports Up to 16).

    class Raiser
        public event Action<Raiser, bool,DateTimeOffset> OnCreate;

        public void Create()
            OnCreate?.Invoke(this, true,DateTimeOffset.Now);

    class Listener
        Raiser raiser;

        public Listener()
            raiser = new Raiser();
            raiser.OnCreate += Raiser_OnCreate;

        private void Raiser_OnCreate(Raiser arg1, bool arg2,DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset)
            throw new NotImplementedException();//Do Your works here

generally using Action and 'Func' are easier than Delegate.

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