
For a homework assignment related to security, DNS cache poisoning, and Kaminsky attacks, I am building a Perl script that uses Nemesis to send packets to a local DNS server (this is all being done on a closed, host-only VMWare network). I have done everything up to automating the process of calling nemesis.

I am using Perl specifically to choose random DNS transaction IDs, add them to the DNS payload I've crafted earlier. Right now the payload isn't a DNS answer, but just a query so I can perfect the method of crafting the ID part of the payload and pushing it to nemesis with Perl.

My code currently is...


use strict;
use warnings;

my $dnsId = int(rand(65535));

my $idString = sprintf("%x", $dnsId);

if(length($idString) == 1){$idString = "000".$idString}
elsif(length($idString) == 2){$idString = "00".$idString}
elsif(length($idString) == 3){$idString = "0".$idString}

my $payload = $idString."01000001000000000000037777770f646e737068697368696e676c61627303636f6d0000010001";

print(`echo "$payload" | nemesis udp -S10.1.3.1 -D10.1.3.100 -x53 -y33333 -P-`)

The issue that I am having is that, nemesis is reading the data as a string, which is of course, echo's doing. So what I need to do is pipe the data to nemesis as binary data, not ASCII.

I think I could use pack() to write a binary file and then use "cat /foo/bar/file | nemesis -..." to execute the payload, but this is not a optimal solution, as I don't want the extra IO time to be a factor in how many malicious DNS answers I can attempt before the (hypothetical, it will never arrive) authentic response is received.

Whats are some methods I could look into that would allow me to feed this data in binary format to nemesis?

War es hilfreich?




simplifies to


Since we no longer pipe out of nemesis, that means we can easily pipe in. (If you want to do both, use IPC::Run3 or IPC::Run.)

my @cmd = ('nemesis',
   'udp', '-S10.1.3.1', '-D10.1.3.100',
   '-x53', '-y33333', '-P-' );

open(my $pipe, '|-', @cmd)
   or die $!;
print($pipe $payload);

Of course, your code's $payload doesn't actually contain the payload, but the hex representation of it. You could pack 'H*' the whole thing, but I think the following is a better approach:

my $dnsId = int(rand(65536));

my $payload = pack('n H*',
    $dnsId, '010000010000'.  # 000000
    '0000000003777777'.      # 000010
    '0f646e7370686973'.      # 000020
    '68696e676c616273'.      # 000030
    '03636f6d00000100'.      # 000040
    '01');                   # 000050

Note that I changed 65535 to 65536 so make it possible to actually return 65535.

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