
For my application, I am trying to implement a rich text editor to "Projects" made by "Users"

Right now, I am trying to implement Redactor Rails ( I followed the process below.

Question 1: How can I go about re-installing with the devise option?

Question 2: I have created a t.text "description" under Projects in my data table. And my Project form right now uses Simple Form. I see the text editor, but how do I save what is entered into the text editor field after submit is pressed?

gem 'redactor-rails'
$ bundle install
$ gem install redactor-rails

Added to application.js:

//= require redactor-rails

Added to application.css:

*= require redactor-rails

And then, dropped in the following line to my individual "Projects" :

<%= text_area_tag :editor, "", :class => "redactor", :rows => 40, :cols => 120 %>
War es hilfreich?


You shouldn't use raw text_area_tag method. You should use simple_form API methods. Here is an example (in Slim, but you should get the idea):

= simple_form_for(comment) do |f|

  = f.input :content, input_html: { class: 'redactor', rows: '4' }

  = f.button :submit

Next. Redactor does not clean user's input. You should do it manually.

Controller code (create action in particular) example:

class CommentsController
  # used for sanitization user's input
  REDACTOR_TAGS = %w(code span div label a br p b i del strike u img video audio
                  iframe object embed param blockquote mark cite small ul ol li
                  hr dl dt dd sup sub big pre code figure figcaption strong em
                  table tr td th tbody thead tfoot h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6)

  # ...

  def create
    params[:comment][:content] = sanitize_redactor(params[:comment][:content])

    comment = Comment.create(params[:comment])

      # ...

  # ...


  def sanitize_redactor(orig_text)
    stripped = view_context.strip_tags(orig_text)
    if stripped.present? # this prevents from creating empty comments
      view_context.sanitize(orig_text, tags: REDACTOR_TAGS, attributes: REDACTOR_ATTRIBUTES)

Andere Tipps

For those out there who are not using simple_form, this also works:

<div class="redactor_box">
    <%= f.text_area :content, placeholder: "Content goes here...", :class => "redactor"%>
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