
So I'm rather a newbie when it comes to programming especially in c# i have an error i need help with?

So I'm trying to create a rpg system i started out before all else with the battle system which i just barely began my code which is store in Form1.cs is such

    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
        public class Variables{

       public Graphics character;
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){


        private void Form1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            switch (e.KeyCode)
                case Keys.Up:
                    Player.Top = Player.Top - 5;
                    Battle.Steps = Battle.Steps + 10;
                case Keys.Down:
                    Player.Top = Player.Top + 5;
                    Battle.Steps = Battle.Steps + 10;
                case Keys.Left:
                    Player.Left = Player.Left - 5;
                    Battle.Steps = Battle.Steps + 10;
                case Keys.Right:
                    Player.Left = Player.Left + 5;
                    Battle.Steps = Battle.Steps + 10;
            if (Battle.Steps == 100)
                Battle.Fight = true;

and Battle.cs is

    using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication1

   public class Battle
      public static bool Fight {get; set;}
       public static int Steps; 
       public void Fight (){

    if (Fight == true)


However I'm getting an error Error Ambiguity between 'WindowsFormsApplication1.Battle.Fight' and 'WindowsFormsApplication1.Battle.Fight()' when i try to access the variable in form 1 and also when i try to edit in in Battle.cs What's going on how do i fix this or is there a better way to do this?

War es hilfreich?


The Best I can figure without actually seeing your battle class is that you have a variable named Fight and a method Fight such as.

public class form
        Battle battle = new Battle();
        battle.Fight = true;


public class Battle
    public bool Fight = false;
    public bool Fight()
        return true;

This would cause ambiguity as if you call fight it would have a hard time figuring out whether you are calling the variable or the method. To Fix this maybe give your variable or your function a different name. Such as if the variable Fight is just a bool to see if they are in a Fight or should get into a fight maybe name the variable InFight or ShouldFight.

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