
Ich versuche, eine Funktion zu erstellen, die entfernt HTML-Tags und Attribute, die nicht in einer weißen Liste enthalten sind. Ich habe folgende HTML:

<b>first text </b>
<b>second text here
       <a>some text here</a>
 <a>some text here</a>

<a>some twxt here</a>

Ich verwende HTML Beweglichkeits Pack und den Code, den ich bisher habe, ist:

static List<string> WhiteNodeList = new List<string> { "b" };
static List<string> WhiteAttrList = new List<string> { };
static HtmlNode htmlNode;
public static void RemoveNotInWhiteList(out string _output, HtmlNode pNode, List<string> pWhiteList, List<string> attrWhiteList)

 // remove all attributes not on white list
 foreach (var item in pNode.ChildNodes)
  item.Attributes.Where(u => attrWhiteList.Contains(u.Name) == false).ToList().ForEach(u => RemoveAttribute(u));


 // remove all html and their innerText and attributes if not on whitelist.
 //pNode.ChildNodes.Where(u => pWhiteList.Contains(u.Name) == false).ToList().ForEach(u => u.Remove());
 //pNode.ChildNodes.Where(u => pWhiteList.Contains(u.Name) == false).ToList().ForEach(u => u.ParentNode.ReplaceChild(ConvertHtmlToNode(u.InnerHtml),u));
 //pNode.ChildNodes.Where(u => pWhiteList.Contains(u.Name) == false).ToList().ForEach(u => u.Remove());

 for (int i = 0; i < pNode.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
  if (!pWhiteList.Contains(pNode.ChildNodes[i].Name))
   HtmlNode _newNode = ConvertHtmlToNode(pNode.ChildNodes[i].InnerHtml);
   pNode.ChildNodes[i].ParentNode.ReplaceChild(_newNode, pNode.ChildNodes[i]);
   if (pNode.ChildNodes[i].HasChildNodes && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pNode.ChildNodes[i].InnerText.Trim().Replace("\r\n", "")))
    HtmlNode outputNode1 = pNode.ChildNodes[i];
    for (int j = 0; j < pNode.ChildNodes[i].ChildNodes.Count; j++)
     string _childNodeOutput;
     RemoveNotInWhiteList(out _childNodeOutput,
          pNode.ChildNodes[i], WhiteNodeList, WhiteAttrList);
     pNode.ChildNodes[i].ReplaceChild(ConvertHtmlToNode(_childNodeOutput), pNode.ChildNodes[i].ChildNodes[j]);

 // Console.WriteLine(pNode.OuterHtml);
 _output = pNode.OuterHtml;

private static void RemoveAttribute(HtmlAttribute u)
 u.Value = u.Value.ToLower().Replace("javascript", "");


public static HtmlNode ConvertHtmlToNode(string html)
 HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
 if (doc.DocumentNode.ChildNodes.Count == 1)
  return doc.DocumentNode.ChildNodes[0];
 else return doc.DocumentNode;

Der Ausgang I tryig bin zu erreichen, ist

<b>first text </b>
<b>second text here
       some text here
 some text here

some twxt here

Das bedeutet, dass ich nur die <b> Tags behalten wollen.
Der Grund, warum ich das tue, weil einige der Benutzer tun CPOY-Paste aus MS WORD in ny WYSYWYG HTML-Editor.


War es hilfreich?


heh, anscheinend habe ich fast eine Antwort in einem Blog-Post jemand gemacht ....

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using HtmlAgilityPack;

namespace Wayloop.Blog.Core.Markup
    public static class HtmlSanitizer
        private static readonly IDictionary<string, string[]> Whitelist;

        static HtmlSanitizer()
            Whitelist = new Dictionary<string, string[]> {
                { "a", new[] { "href" } },
                { "strong", null },
                { "em", null },
                { "blockquote", null },

        public static string Sanitize(string input)
            var htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument();


            return htmlDocument.DocumentNode.WriteTo().Trim();

        private static void SanitizeChildren(HtmlNode parentNode)
            for (int i = parentNode.ChildNodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

        private static void SanitizeNode(HtmlNode node)
            if (node.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.Element) {
                if (!Whitelist.ContainsKey(node.Name)) {

                if (node.HasAttributes) {
                    for (int i = node.Attributes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                        HtmlAttribute currentAttribute = node.Attributes[i];
                        string[] allowedAttributes = Whitelist[node.Name];
                        if (!allowedAttributes.Contains(currentAttribute.Name)) {

            if (node.HasChildNodes) {

Ich habe HtmlSanitizer von hier Offenbar ist es nicht th Tags abzustreifen, sondern entfernt das Element altoghether.

OK, hier ist die Lösung für diejenigen, die sie später benötigen.

public static class HtmlSanitizer
        private static readonly IDictionary<string, string[]> Whitelist;
        private static List<string> DeletableNodesXpath = new List<string>();

        static HtmlSanitizer()
            Whitelist = new Dictionary<string, string[]> {
                { "a", new[] { "href" } },
                { "strong", null },
                { "em", null },
                { "blockquote", null },
                { "b", null},
                { "p", null},
                { "ul", null},
                { "ol", null},
                { "li", null},
                { "div", new[] { "align" } },
                { "strike", null},
                { "u", null},                
                { "sub", null},
                { "sup", null},
                { "table", null },
                { "tr", null },
                { "td", null },
                { "th", null }

        public static string Sanitize(string input)
            if (input.Trim().Length < 1)
                return string.Empty;
            var htmlDocument = new HtmlDocument();

            string xPath = HtmlSanitizer.CreateXPath();

            return StripHtml(htmlDocument.DocumentNode.WriteTo().Trim(), xPath);

        private static void SanitizeChildren(HtmlNode parentNode)
            for (int i = parentNode.ChildNodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)

        private static void SanitizeNode(HtmlNode node)
            if (node.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.Element)
                if (!Whitelist.ContainsKey(node.Name))
                    if (!DeletableNodesXpath.Contains(node.Name))
                        node.Name = "removeableNode";
                    if (node.HasChildNodes)


                if (node.HasAttributes)
                    for (int i = node.Attributes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        HtmlAttribute currentAttribute = node.Attributes[i];
                        string[] allowedAttributes = Whitelist[node.Name];
                        if (allowedAttributes != null)
                            if (!allowedAttributes.Contains(currentAttribute.Name))

            if (node.HasChildNodes)

        private static string StripHtml(string html, string xPath)
            HtmlDocument htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument();
            if (xPath.Length > 0)
                HtmlNodeCollection invalidNodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(@xPath);
                foreach (HtmlNode node in invalidNodes)
                    node.ParentNode.RemoveChild(node, true);
            return htmlDoc.DocumentNode.WriteContentTo(); ;

        private static string CreateXPath()
            string _xPath = string.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < DeletableNodesXpath.Count; i++)
                if (i != DeletableNodesXpath.Count - 1)
                    _xPath += string.Format("//{0}|", DeletableNodesXpath[i].ToString());
                else _xPath += string.Format("//{0}", DeletableNodesXpath[i].ToString());
            return _xPath;

umbenannt ich den Knoten, denn wenn ich hatte einen XML-Namespace-Knoten analysieren es auf dem XPath-Parsing abstürzen würde.

Andere Tipps

Danke für den Code - große Sache !!!!

Ich habe einige Optimierung ...

class TagSanitizer
    List<HtmlNode> _deleteNodes = new List<HtmlNode>();

    public static void Sanitize(HtmlNode node)
        new TagSanitizer().Clean(node);

    void Clean(HtmlNode node)
        for (int i = _deleteNodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            HtmlNode nodeToDelete = _deleteNodes[i];
            nodeToDelete.ParentNode.RemoveChild(nodeToDelete, true);

    void CleanRecursive(HtmlNode node)
        if (node.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.Element)
            if (Config.TagsWhiteList.ContainsKey(node.Name) == false)
            else if (node.HasAttributes)
                for (int i = node.Attributes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    HtmlAttribute currentAttribute = node.Attributes[i];

                    string[] allowedAttributes = Config.TagsWhiteList[node.Name];
                    if (allowedAttributes != null)
                        if (allowedAttributes.Contains(currentAttribute.Name) == false)

        if (node.HasChildNodes)
            node.ChildNodes.ToList().ForEach(v => CleanRecursive(v));
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