
Can you get global scope while using strict mode and also making sure that you can run on non window environment.

See these examples:

define(['other', 'thing'], function() {
    // this === window in desktop environment
    // this === GLOBAL in node environment
define(['other', 'thing'], function() {
    "use strict";
    // this === undefined in desktop environment
    // this === GLOBAL in node environment
    // As of my understanding node has to be configured using `node --use_strict`
    // (
    // But that not the point.

Is there any way to get the global variable (window/GLOBAL) inside define.

War es hilfreich?


var global = Function("return this")();

If you don't have access to Function, then also try

var Function = function(){}.constructor,
    global = Function("return this")();

Andere Tipps

This may or may not help, but I did come up with a way to override the context of requirejs modules using the following code...

require.s.contexts._.execCb = function(name, callback, args) {
    return callback.apply(/* your context here */, args);

Again, not sure if that'll help with use strict and all, but who knows... :)

What i have come op with so far:

(function(root) { // Here root refers to global scope
    define('mything', ['other', 'thing'], function() {


But then I can't use r.js to minify my application.

And another could be to check what to use:

define(['other', 'thing'], function() {
    var root = typeof GLOBAL != 'undefined' ? GLOBAL : window;

Yet another way it to define a global file which returns the global:


define(function() {
    return typeof GLOBAL != 'undefined' ? GLOBAL : window;


define(['global', 'other', 'thing'], function(root) {
    // root === window/GLOBAL

But I don't like these way because what if some 3. global variable is introduced this will break, or if the user in a browser environment defines GLOBAL then that will be returned.

I would like to see if anyone have come up with a smarter way.

What if you stored the window reference on another universally accessible object, such as Object.prototype or something along those lines?

This is what I usually do (it works for browsers, node.js and RingoJS - even in strict mode):

if (!global) var global = this;

define(['other', 'thing'], function() {
    // use global

define(['other', 'thing'], function() {
    "use strict";
    // use global

Read the following StackOverflow thread for more details: Defining an implementation independent version of the global object in JavaScript

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