
I'm updating my Android app to use Zumero to handle data sync. Each user will get their own dbfile on the server, as well as their own internal auth account. However, I can't get zumero_internal_auth_add_user to work in Android.

I invoke the function with SQLiteDatabase.execSQL, generating SQL of the form:

SELECT zumero_internal_auth_add_user(
    '<ZUMERO URL>’,

This causes a SQLiteException with error code 100 (unknown error). The logs show that the operation apparently succeeded (http status code is 204: No Content), but the Zumero library did not recognize this (maybe it's only expecting 200?) and throws an exception.

06-04 23:13:42.247: V/Zumero(15442): execute for query: SELECT zumero_internal_auth_add_user(?, ?, zumero_internal_auth_scheme('zumero_users_admin'), ?, ?, ?, ?)
06-04 23:13:42.247: V/ZUMERO(15442): Network call started.
06-04 23:13:42.247: V/ZUMERO(15442): got JNI env.
06-04 23:13:42.247: V/ZUMERO(15442): Looked up java classes.
06-04 23:13:42.247: V/ZUMERO(15442): Initiating Network connection.
06-04 23:13:42.302: D/dalvikvm(15442): GC_CONCURRENT freed 132K, 2% free 9120K/9280K, paused 3ms+5ms, total 25ms
06-04 23:13:42.825: V/ZUMERO(15442): HTTP connection finished.
06-04 23:13:42.825: V/ZUMERO(15442): HTTP status code: 204.
06-04 23:13:42.825: V/ZUMERO(15442): HTTP error code: 0.
06-04 23:13:42.825: V/ZUMERO(15442): Network connection completed successfully.
06-04 23:13:42.825: W/dalvikvm(15442): threadid=13: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40b4d930)
06-04 23:13:42.833: E/AndroidRuntime(15442): FATAL EXCEPTION: AsyncTask #1
06-04 23:13:42.833: E/AndroidRuntime(15442): java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occured while executing doInBackground()
06-04 23:13:42.833: E/AndroidRuntime(15442):    at android.os.AsyncTask$3.done(
06-04 23:13:42.833: E/AndroidRuntime(15442):    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.finishCompletion(
06-04 23:13:42.833: E/AndroidRuntime(15442):    at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.setException(
06-04 23:13:42.833: E/AndroidRuntime(15442):    at
06-04 23:13:42.833: E/AndroidRuntime(15442):    at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
06-04 23:13:42.833: E/AndroidRuntime(15442):    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
06-04 23:13:42.833: E/AndroidRuntime(15442):    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
06-04 23:13:42.833: E/AndroidRuntime(15442):    at
06-04 23:13:42.833: E/AndroidRuntime(15442): Caused by: com.zumero.sqlite.SQLiteException: error code 100: unknown error
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at com.zumero.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.native_execute(Native Method)
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at com.zumero.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.execute(
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at com.zumero.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.execSQL(
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at com.example.people.ZumeroBackend.addUser(
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at com.example.people.PeopleProvider.insert(
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.insert(
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at android.content.ContentResolver.insert(
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at com.example.people.PeopleActivity.setAccount(
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at com.example.people.PeopleActivity.access$3(
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at com.example.people.PeopleActivity$4.doInBackground(
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at com.example.people.PeopleActivity$4.doInBackground(
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at android.os.AsyncTask$
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    at
06-04 23:18:16.575: E/AndroidRuntime(15713):    ... 4 more

If I try to add the same user again, the operation fails with zumero:unique_constraint_violation, confirming my suspicion that the original call succeeded. I tried running zumero_internal_auth_add_user in a SQLite shell (on Windows) and it worked fine, suggesting that the problem is specific to the Android lib. I pulled the zumero_log dbfile and found that zumero_internal_auth_add_user returns a 204 in both cases (from Android and SQLite shell).

Am I doing something wrong, or is there is a bug in the Zumero Android library?

War es hilfreich?


Here's my code which handles this use case. I never got the exact error that you saw (error code 100: unknown error). My code was tested against the android-16 version of the zumero libs, running on a Nexus 10.

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    private File tempDBFullPath;
    private String dbName;
    private String cacheDir;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        //Get the full path to the databases directory. 
        File databasesPath = this.getDatabasePath("blah").getParentFile();
        if (!databasesPath.isDirectory()) {
            //These lines make sure that the databases directory is created.
        //Append the time to make sure that we create a new,empty database 
        //and a new internal auth db each time we run this Activity.
        this.dbName = "testdb" + new Date().getTime();

        this.tempDBFullPath = new File(databasesPath, dbName);
        this.cacheDir = this.getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath();

        //Can't do network on the main thread.
        AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> task = new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() {

            protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
                com.zumero.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase db = com.zumero.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(MainActivity.this.tempDBFullPath, null);
                String userDB = MainActivity.this.dbName + "_users";
                boolean bExec = false;
                String serverAddress = "";
                String adminPassword = "PASSWORD";

                Log.v("test", "========  creating internal auth   ==========");

                Cursor c = null;
                if (bExec) {
                    //When I run this one, I get "com.zumero.sqlite.SQLiteException: unknown error: Queries cannot be performed using execSQL(), use query() instead."
                    //That behavior matches the gingerbread android database package.
                    db.execSQL("SELECT zumero_internal_auth_create('" + serverAddress +"', '" + userDB + "', zumero_internal_auth_scheme('zumero_users_admin'), 'admin', '" + adminPassword + "', NULL,NULL,'',zumero_named_constant('acl_who_anyone'),'',zumero_named_constant('acl_who_anyone') );)");
                else {
                    //This one works.
                    c = db.rawQuery("SELECT zumero_internal_auth_create(?, ?, zumero_internal_auth_scheme(?), ?, ?, NULL,NULL,'',zumero_named_constant('acl_who_anyone'),'',zumero_named_constant('acl_who_anyone') );", new String[] {serverAddress, userDB, "zumero_users_admin", "admin", adminPassword });
                    //WATCH OUT! rawQuery doesn't actually execute until the call to moveToFirst.

                Log.v("test", "========  adding user   ==========");

                if (bExec) {
                    //When I run this one, I get "com.zumero.sqlite.SQLiteException: unknown error: Queries cannot be performed using execSQL(), use query() instead."
                    db.execSQL("SELECT zumero_internal_auth_add_user('" + serverAddress + "', '" + userDB + "', zumero_internal_auth_scheme('zumero_users_admin'), 'admin', '" + adminPassword + "', 'newUsername', 'newPassword');");
                else {
                    //This one works.
                    c =  db.rawQuery("SELECT zumero_internal_auth_add_user(?, ?, zumero_internal_auth_scheme(?), ?, ?, ?, ?);", new String[] {serverAddress, userDB, "zumero_users_admin", "admin", adminPassword, "newUsername", "newPassword" } );

                Log.v("test", "========  creating zumero acl table for this DB file.   ==========");

                c = db.rawQuery("SELECT zumero_define_acl_table('main');", null);

                Log.v("test", "========  giving newUsername full permission to this DB file.   ==========");

                db.execSQL("INSERT INTO z_acl (scheme,who,tbl,op,result) VALUES (zumero_internal_auth_scheme('" + userDB + "'), zumero_named_constant('acl_who_specific_user') || 'newUsername', '', '*', zumero_named_constant('acl_result_allow'));");

                Log.v("test", "========  executing admin sync so that the server has the new acl table  ==========");

                c = db.rawQuery("SELECT zumero_sync('main', ?, ?, zumero_internal_auth_scheme(?), ?, ?, ?);", new String[] {serverAddress, dbName, "zumero_users_admin", "admin", adminPassword, MainActivity.this.cacheDir } );

                Log.v("test", "========  executing sync as the new user.  ==========");

                c = db.rawQuery("SELECT zumero_sync('main', ?, ?, zumero_internal_auth_scheme(?), ?, ?, ?);", new String[] {serverAddress, dbName, userDB, "newUsername", "newPassword", MainActivity.this.cacheDir } );


                return null;



    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present.
        getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu);

        return true;

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