
I have a .net project written in C#. There is only 1 class in the project that uses the Microsoft.mshtml library, however there are 2 classes in the project that are generating mshtml warnings on build. Here are a couple of examples of the warnings:

Identifier 'mshtml._BEHAVIOR_EVENT_FLAGS' is not CLS-compliant
Identifier 'mshtml.__MIDL___MIDL_itf_mshtml_0250_0001' is not CLS-compliant

I'm getting pretty much a duplicate of 162 different warnings in the 2 classes that are complaining about mshtml identifiers that I never use. These 2 classes never use or reference Microsoft.mshtml. I've gone to the debugging point of removing all code from one of the classes and all references to the class in code and I still get the warnings. I found a similar post on stack overflow here:

mshtml and CLS-compliance

That never got an answer. Does anyone have any idea what this could be?

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