
i am currently using the rpart package to fit a regression tree to a data with relatively few observations and several thousand categorical predictors taking two possible values.

from testing the package out on smaller data i know that in this instance it doesn't matter whether i declare the regressors as categorical (i.e. factors) or leave them as they are (they are coded as +/-1).

however, i would still like to understand why passing my explanatory variables as factors significantly slows the algorithm down (not least because i shall soon get new data where response takes 3 diffirent values and treating them as continuous would no longer be an option). surely it should be the other way round?

here is a sample code emulating my data:


x <-, +1), 50 * 3000, replace = T), nrow = 50))
y <- rnorm(50)

x.fac <-, factor))

now compare:

system.time(rpart( y ~ ., data = x, method = 'anova'))

   user  system elapsed 
   1.62    0.21    1.85 

system.time(rpart( y ~ ., data = x.fac, method = 'anova'))

   user  system elapsed 
   246.87  165.91  412.92 

dealing with only one potential split possibility per variable (factors) is simpler and faster than dealing with a whole range of potential splits (for continuous variables), so i am most confused by the rpart behaviour. any clarifications/suggestions would be very apprecaited.

War es hilfreich?


You need to profile the code to be sure, but I would be surprised if the timing difference did not come from R having to turn each factor variable into two binary variables as it prepares the model matrix.


rpart( y ~ ., data = x.fac, method = 'anova')


and look to see where the time is being spent. Which I have now done:

> summaryRprof("rpartProfile.Rprof")
                          self.time self.pct total.time total.pct
"[[<"            786.46    72.45     786.56     72.46
"rpart.matrix"               294.26    27.11    1081.78     99.66
"model.frame.default"          1.04     0.10       3.00      0.28
"terms.formula"                0.96     0.09       0.96      0.09
""           0.46     0.04       0.46      0.04
"makepredictcall.default"      0.46     0.04       0.46      0.04
"rpart"                        0.44     0.04    1085.38     99.99
"[[.data.frame"                0.16     0.01       0.42      0.04
"<Anonymous>"                  0.16     0.01       0.18      0.02
"match"                        0.14     0.01       0.22      0.02
"print"                        0.12     0.01       0.12      0.01
"model.matrix.default"         0.10     0.01       0.44      0.04

                          total.time total.pct self.time self.pct
"rpart"                      1085.38     99.99      0.44     0.04
"rpart.matrix"               1081.78     99.66    294.26    27.11
"[[<-"                        786.62     72.47      0.06     0.01
"[[<"             786.56     72.46    786.46    72.45
"model.frame.default"           3.00      0.28      1.04     0.10
"eval"                          3.00      0.28      0.04     0.00
"eval.parent"                   3.00      0.28      0.00     0.00
"model.frame"                   3.00      0.28      0.00     0.00
"terms.formula"                 0.96      0.09      0.96     0.09
"terms"                         0.96      0.09      0.00     0.00
"makepredictcall"               0.50      0.05      0.04     0.00
""            0.46      0.04      0.46     0.04
"makepredictcall.default"       0.46      0.04      0.46     0.04
"as.list"                       0.46      0.04      0.00     0.00
"vapply"                        0.46      0.04      0.00     0.00
"model.matrix.default"          0.44      0.04      0.10     0.01
"[["                            0.44      0.04      0.02     0.00
"model.matrix"                  0.44      0.04      0.00     0.00

[1] 0.02

[1] 1085.5

Note from the above that a big chunk of time is spent in function rpart.matrix:

> rpart:::rpart.matrix
function (frame) 
    if (!inherits(frame, "data.frame") || is.null(attr(frame, 
    for (i in 1:ncol(frame)) {
        if (is.character(frame[[i]])) 
            frame[[i]] <- as.numeric(factor(frame[[i]]))
        else if (!is.numeric(frame[[i]])) 
            frame[[i]] <- as.numeric(frame[[i]])
    X <- model.matrix(attr(frame, "terms"), frame)[, -1L, drop = FALSE]
    colnames(X) <- sub("^`(.*)`", "\\1", colnames(X))
    class(X) <- c("rpart.matrix", class(X))

But it is the for loop in that function where most of the time is spent, essentially converting each column and adding them back to the data frame.

Andere Tipps

Just building on @gavin simpson's discovery above... I decided to hack around with rpart.matrix, to see if I could do something about that excessive execution time.

The problem boils down to the use of a for loop. Normally I'm agnostic about for compared to [sl]apply; the latter is generally considered more elegant, but I'm not going to replace a for when it's working fine, just for that. In particular I think the performance benefits of *apply are sometimes overhyped; for has been improved significantly in terms of speed and memory use compared to the old S-Plus days.

Not in this case though. Simply replacing the for with lapply cuts the run time for this example by >2 orders of magnitude. Would be good to see if others can confirm this.

m <- model.frame(x.fac)

# call rpart.matrix
system.time(mm <- rpart:::rpart.matrix(m))
   user  system elapsed 
 208.25   88.03  296.99 

# exactly the same as rpart.matrix, but with for replaced by lapply
f <- function(frame)
    if (!inherits(frame, "data.frame") || is.null(attr(frame, 
    frame[] <- lapply(frame, function(x) {
        if (is.character(x))
        else if(!is.numeric(x))
        else x
    X <- model.matrix(attr(frame, "terms"), frame)[, -1L, drop = FALSE]
    colnames(X) <- sub("^`(.*)`", "\\1", colnames(X))
    class(X) <- c("rpart.matrix", class(X))

system.time(mm2 <- f(m))
   user  system elapsed 
   0.65    0.04    0.70 

identical(mm, mm2)
[1] TRUE
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