How to filter (substitute) env-entry values in ebj-jar.xml for unit tests with embedded enterprise bean container (GlassFish)?



I need several profiles for deployment. In the Maven POM I have defined a profile "dev" and a property "theHost" (as localhost):

      <activeByDefault>true</activeByDefault> <!-- use dev profile by default -->

I have activated filterDeploymentDescriptor on the maven-ejb-plugin in order to tell it to filter (substitute) values in ejb-jar.xml:

-->   <filterDeploymentDescriptor>true</filterDeploymentDescriptor>

Finally, in ejb-jar.xml I refer to ${theHost} to obtain the desired profile-specific value for the @Resource attribute "host":


This all works great with a regular Maven build. But when I run an EJB unit test using the Embedded Enterprise Bean Container of GlassFish [EJBContainer.createEJBContainer()], the maven-ejb-plugin seems to ignore filterDeploymentDescriptor=true. The EJB sees "${theHost}" instead of "localhost" although I run maven with the same "dev" profile.

mvn.bat -Pdev test

Does anybody have an idea why the substitution does not work when running a unit test? Is there something more I have to define especially for the unit test so that filtering of ejb-jar.xml occurs? Or a better approach to unit testing EJBs if different profiles exist?

War es hilfreich?


Ideally, you would be able to specify an external "binding" for the env-entry. I know that's possible to do with WebSphere Application Server (via EnvEntry.Value properties), but I don't know if it's possible with Glassfish.

As a workaround, you could declare the env-entry for injection, and then check in PostConstruct whether any value was injected by the container (i.e., don't specify env-entry-value until you're deploying into the server). If you're using JNDI only, you can do the same thing with try/catch(NameNotFoundException).

private String host;

public void postConstruct() {
  if (host == null) {
    // Not configured at deployment time.
    host = System.getProperty("");

Andere Tipps

Workaround based on bkail's suggestion: Set a system property only for unit tests and discover it in postConstruct:

                <argLine>-Xmx1g -XX:MaxPermSize=128m</argLine>
                <reuseForks>false</reuseForks> <!-- with reuse the EJB timer service would fail -->

And then in the Java method annotated with @PostConstruct:

    // Override values that were not substituted in ejb-jar.xml
    if (Boolean.getBoolean("is.unittest")) {
        host = "localhost";
        port = "27017";
        authenticationRequired = false;
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