
I install Redactor-rails ruby gem with instructions from official page on github SammyLin/redactor-rails , all it's ok, but when I'm trying to upload image I have error like this:

Started POST "/redactor_rails /pictures?authenticity_token=aRAR6p4FMDNmdh%2FgqP24kYSIo0CWXjnEgYGBli%2FjcX8%3D" for at 2013-07-17 20:34:34 +0400 Processing by RedactorRails::PicturesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"file"=>#>, "authenticity_token"=>"aRAR6p4FMDNmdh/gqP24kYSIo0CWXjnEgYGBli/jcX8="} User Load (0.3ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = 134 LIMIT 1 Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 611ms

MiniMagick::Error (Command ("identify -quiet -ping -format %wn /home/igor/rubycode/") failed: {:status_code=>127, :output=>"sh: 1: identify: not found\n"}):

Explain me please why I have this error, i google I've found nothing about this error.

War es hilfreich?


I had the same issue. Just install the ImageMagick package on your system.

e.g. for Ubuntu,

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Andere Tipps

what uploader are you using? i suggest you use carrierwve gem, and here are the isntructions for it:

gem "carrierwave"
gem "mini_magick"

$ rails generate redactor:install


$ rails generate redactor:install --devise

# --devise option generate user_id attribute for asset(Picture, Document) models. For more details show Devise gem.
# Now, Pictures and Documents uploading available only for signed in users
# All uploaded files will stored with current user_id
# User will choose only own uploaded Pictures and Documents

$ rake db:migrate
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