
I have a simple project to test JAX-RS services. Yesterday I downloaded jersey-1.7.1 and used com.sun.jersey.api.container.httpserver.HttpServerFactory and to create a http server to test my services from inside eclipse (w/o a heavy weight container)

Today, I downloaded the latest jersey jars (jaxrs-ri) and the HttpServerFactory is missing. Looks like they removed the class between 1.7.1 => 2.0 but I cannot find it in deprecated section. I see grizzly2 classes in API section (maybe that is what I am supposed to use now) but none of the jars in jaxrs-ri bundle provide those classes. I downloaded the jersey-grizzly 1.12 jar but it only has com/sun/jersey/server/impl/container/grizzly2/GrizzlyContainer classes and no implementation.

So question to kind souls

1 - with the latest jaxrs-ri jars from jersey download page, what is the recommended way to create a simple http server to test from command line if the 1.7.1 way has been deprecated. what jars to download/include and perhaps a short code sample?

2 - The whole documentation around creating a simple REST service using java is a big mess. So how do you find the right information?

(Really, this is not a joke. maybe this would require a separate blog post - just look at the mess, changed API, no information on deprecated features, implementation diffs, e.g. CXF vs. jersey, API 1.x vs API 2.0, Glassfish container v x.y vs. Tomcat, version x of y vs. version x2 of y, servlet 3.0 would have this file, are you extending Application or not!)


working example with JDKHttp server

package test.jersey;

import org.glassfish.jersey.jdkhttp.JdkHttpServerFactory ;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.ResourceConfig;

public class ConsoleServerV2 {

    static final String BASE_URI = "http://localhost:9099/";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        HttpServer server = null ;

        ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig(rest.Service.class);
        URI endpoint = new URI(BASE_URI);

        server = JdkHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(endpoint,rc);
        System.out.println("console v2.0 : Press Enter to stop the server. ");;

War es hilfreich?


You could use the JdkHttpServerFactory, which is available in the jersey-container-jdk-http-2.0.jar:

ResourceConfig rc = new ResourceConfig(HelloWorldResource.class);
HttpServer server = JdkHttpServerFactory.createHttpServer(baseUri, rc);

No need to call server.start()!

Andere Tipps

You can also get the bundle from here Just add it to your library folder then right click on it in the project and select "Add as a library."

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