
I'm not using huge DE like Gnome or KDE and changing keyboard rate with xset command:

xset r rate 250 70

But after system suspending (by pm-suspend) this settings are lost because udev removes and again adds all devices.

  1. I tried to use udev rules:

    # /etc/udev/rules.d/00-custom-keyboard.rules
    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", RUN+="/usr/bin/xset r rate 250 70" # Not working
    ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", RUN+="touch /tmp/test"             # Working pretty!

    I think the first rule is not working because xset utility requires some context data which is not available in the evdev context.

  2. I tried to use xorg config, but found only the option to change the keyboard layout, namely XkbLayout and XkbOptions

Is there some way to automaticaly restore keyboard settings after system suspending?

War es hilfreich?


The problem was resolved by adding a custom script /etc/pm/sleep.d/00-keyboard that executes (not only) on system resume:

case $1 in
    # Going to suspend to disk
    # Going to suspend to RAM
    # Resuming after hibernating
    # Resuming after suspending
    echo "Restoring keyboard settings..."
    echo "Something went wrong"

For more information see

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