
Please can someone tell me how to use

***Get-QADComputer -LdapFilter "(operatingsystem=*server*)"***

in my script below. (I can get it to work with the text file it just fails on the get-qadcomputer bit)

***function inventory {
$os = gwmi win32_operatingsystem -comp $_
$cs = gwmi win32_computersystem -comp $_
$obj = new-object psobject
$obj | add-member noteproperty Name $os.csname
$obj | add-member noteproperty RebootDate $os.ConvertToDateTime($os.LastBootUpTime)
$obj | add-member noteproperty Manufacturer $cs.manufacturer
$obj | add-member noteproperty Model $cs.model
$obj | add-member noteproperty Operating_System $os.caption
$obj | add-member noteproperty Architecture $os.OSArchitecture
$obj | add-member noteproperty Service_Pack $os.ServicePackMajorVersion
write-output $obj
gc C:\scripts\lastreboot\syn_pc.txt -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | inventory | Export-Csv c:\scripts\lastreboot\inventory2.csv***
War es hilfreich?


This issue you're facing is that the inventory function you wrote was designed to use $_ directly, and you are assuming that the $_ Variable will only be a string. The command works initially because you are extracting a list of names from a file, which is giving you a list of names which are of type [String], and passing this collection/list of strings into the pipeline for inventory to use.

But when using Get-QADComputer, you are getting objects of type [Selected.Quest.ActiveRoles.ArsPowerShellSnapIn.Data.ArsComputerObject] which is so much more then just a list of names. The objects have a name property, which i assume you truly are after, along with other information. You need to pull just the name portion out and pass that along into the pipeline

So you have two options:

  • Change the inventory function to account for the difference in input types from the pipeline (simple strings which contain the just names, or objects that have a name property and use just the name portion)

  • Change the way in which you are calling the script

Here is the command, I think you want

 Get-QADComputer -LdapFilter "(operatingsystem=*server*)" | Select -ExpandProperty Name | inventory | Export-Csv c:\scripts\lastreboot\inventory2.csv

Note the Select -ExpandProperty Name, which takes the ADObject and will pass only the name along into the pipeline which your inventory function is expecting

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