
The Model_Auth_User class in Kohana uses 'username', 'email','password' to create a new user what if i want it to take only 'email', 'password' and also modify the validation to validate 'email_confirm' instead of 'password_confirm'

War es hilfreich?


Finally i did it, All what I have to doe is to comment some lines which add the rules of validating user input open C:\xampp\htdocs\kohana\modules\orm\classes\Model\Auth\User.php and comment lines from 33:38 inclusive as following:

    public function rules()
    return array(
        //as we don't have a username we don't need to validate it!
        // 'username' => array(
        //  array('not_empty'),
        //  array('max_length', array(':value', 32)),
        //  array(array($this, 'unique'), array('username', ':value')),
        // ),
        'password' => array(
        'email' => array(
            array(array($this, 'unique'), array('email', ':value')),

You only keep the rules for validating what you need

Andere Tipps

Avoid changing of the system folder contents. Otherwise your changes will be lost after the next upgrade. The more correct approach is to override the validation rules.

In file application/classes/Model/user.php:

  class Model_User extends Model_Auth_User
    public function rules()
      $rules = parent::rules();
      return $rules;
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