
With Underscore.js, we can use defaults() to apply default values to an object.

var defaultProperties = { flavor : "vanilla", sprinkles : "lots" };
var iceCream = {flavor : "chocolate"};
_.defaults(iceCream, defaultProperties);

But in Javascript, default values could be realized by using prototypes, too.

var defaultProperties = { flavor : "vanilla", sprinkles : "lots" };
var iceCream = Object.create(defaultProperties);
iceCream.flavor = "chocolate";

What is the advantage and use case of Underscore.js' defaults()?

War es hilfreich?


  1. Mostly availability.

    Object.create() is available in ES5-compatible browsers, while _.defaults() will function in older, ES3-based browsers (IE8, IE7, etc.).

  2. Also for objects you didn't create().

    If the object already exists, you can't count on being able to alter its [[Prototype]] after-the-fact to establish the desires inheritance.

    It's possible in some browsers, but not standard.

  3. It might make things easier with more than 1 defaults object.

    _.defaults(options, config, defaults);

    This is possible with prototype chains, but you have to establish one.

    var defaults = { /* ... */ };
    var config = Object.create(defaults);
    config.mixed = true;
    var iceCream = Object.create(config);
    iceCream.flavor = 'chocolate';

But, in general, they serve very similar purposes. They just do so from different perspectives:

  • _.default() iterates to find and set what's missing.
  • Object.create() uses prototype chains to inherit what's missing.

So, which to use is largely up to you and your personal preferences.

Andere Tipps

There is absolutely no difference except that using Underscore's defaults function saves you from writing extra code for validating and assigning a set of properties to the desired object. By abstracting that into a single function your code would look a bit more meaningful and neat. Which makes it a handy utility function.

Here is the source of Underscore's defaults function

// Fill in a given object with default properties.
  _.defaults = function(obj) {
    each(, 1), function(source) {
      if (source) {
        for (var prop in source) {
          if (obj[prop] === void 0) obj[prop] = source[prop];
    return obj;

It takes the object and set of values as parameter, loops through the set of propeties and if the property doesn't already exist in that object, assign it to it. Source: UnderscoreJS code on Github

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