
Was ist der beste/einfachste Weg, um ein minimales Task -Warteschlangensystem für Linux mit Bash und gemeinsamen Werkzeugen zu erstellen?

Ich habe eine Datei mit 9'000 Zeilen, jede Zeile hat eine Bash -Befehlszeile, die Befehle sind völlig unabhängig.

command 1 > Logs/1.log
command 2 > Logs/2.log
command 3 > Logs/3.log

Meine Box hat mehr als einen Kern und ich möchte gleichzeitig X -Aufgaben ausführen. Ich habe das Web nach einer guten Möglichkeit durchsucht. Anscheinend haben viele Menschen dieses Problem, aber bisher hat niemand eine gute Lösung.

Es wäre schön, wenn die Lösung die folgenden Funktionen hätte:

  • kann mehr als einen Befehl interpretieren (z. B. zB command; command)
  • kann Stream -Weiterleitungen in den Zeilen interpretieren (z. B. z. B. ls > /tmp/ls.txt)
  • verwendet nur gemeinsame Linux -Tools

Bonuspunkte, wenn es auf anderen Unix-Klonen ohne zu exotische Anforderungen funktioniert.

War es hilfreich?


Können Sie Ihre Befehlsliste in ein Makefile konvertieren? Wenn ja, könnten Sie einfach "make -j x" laufen.

Andere Tipps

GNU parallel ist ein allgemeineres Instrument zur Parallelisierung als PPSS.

Wenn Runfile enthält:

command 1 > Logs/1.log
command 2 > Logs/2.log
command 3 > Logs/3.log

du kannst tun:

cat runfile | parallel -j+0

Dies wird einen Befehl pro CPU -Kern ausführen.

Wenn Ihre Befehle so einfach sind wie oben, müssen Sie nicht einmal Runfile benötigen, aber dies können:

seq 1 3 | parallel -j+0 'command {} > Logs/{}.log'

Wenn Sie mehr Computer zur Verfügung haben, um die Verarbeitung durchzuführen, möchten Sie sich möglicherweise die Optionen "SSHLOGIN" und -TRC für GNU parallel ansehen.

Okay, after posting the question here, I found the following project which looks promising: ppss.

Edit: Not quite what I want, PPSS is focused on processing "all files in directory A".

Well, this is a kind of fun question anyway.

Here's what I'd do, assuming bash(1) of course.

  • figure out how many of these commands can usefully run concurrently. It's not going to be just the number of cores; a lot of commands will be suspended for I/O and that sort of thing. Call that number N. N=15 for example.
  • set up a trap signal handler for the SIGCHLD signal, which occurs when a child process terminates. trap signalHandler SIGCHLD
  • cat your list of commands into a pipe
  • write a loop that reads stdin and executes the commands one by one, decrementing a counter. When the counter is 0, it waits.
  • your signal handler, which runs on SIGCHLD, increments that counter.

So now, it runs the first N commands, then waits. When the first child terminates, the wait returns, it reads another line, runs a new command, and waits again.

Now, this is a case that takes care of many jobs terminating close together. I suspect you can get away with a simpler version:

 cat | 
 while read cmd 
   eval $cmd &
   if $((count-- == 0))

Now, this one will start up the first 15 commands, and then run the rest one at a time as some command terminates.

Similar distributed-computing fun is the Mapreduce Bash Script:

And thanks for pointing out ppss!

You can use the xargs command, its --max-procs does what you want. For instance Charlie Martin solution becomes with xargs:

tr '\012' '\000' < |xargs --null --max-procs=$X bash -c


  • X is the number of processes max. E.g: X=15. --max-procs is doing the magic
  • the first tr is here to terminate lines by null bytes for xargs --null option so that quotes redirection etc are not expansed wrongly
  • bash -c runs the command

I tested it with this file for instance:

date "+%Y-%m-%d" >"The Date".txt
wc -c <'The Date'.txt >'The Count'.txt

This is a specific case, but if you are trying to process a set of files and produce another set of output files, you can start #cores number of processes, and check if an output file exists before processing it. The example below converts a directory of .m4b files to .mp3 files:

Just run this command as many times as you have cores:

ls *m4b|while read f; do test -f ${f%m4b}mp3 || mencoder -of rawaudio "$f" -oac mp3lame -ovc copy -o ${f%m4b}mp3; done &

You could see my tasks queue written on bash:

Task Queue + Parallelized + Dynamic addition

Using a FIFO, this script fork itself to process the queue. This way, you can add commands to the queue on the fly (when the queue is already started).

Usage: ./queue Command [# of children] [Queue name]

Example, with 1 thread:

./queue "sleep 5; echo ONE"
./queue "echo TWO"



Example, with 2 thread:

./queue "sleep 5; echo ONE" 2
./queue "echo TWO"



Example, with 2 queues:

./queue "sleep 5; echo ONE queue1" 1 queue1
./queue "sleep 3; echo ONE queue2" 1 queue2


ONE queue2
ONE queue1

The script (save it as "queue" and chmod +x queue):


    #Print usage
    [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && echo Usage: $0 Command [# of children] [Queue name] && exit

    #Param 1 - Command to execute

    #Param 2 - Number of childs in parallel
    [[ $# -gt 1 ]] && MAXCHILD="$2"

    #Param 3 - File to be used as FIFO
    [[ $# -gt 2 ]] && FIFO="$3"

    #Number of seconds to keep the runner active when unused

      #Associate file descriptor 3 to the FIFO
      exec 3"$FIFO"

      while read -u 3 -t $TIMEOUT line; do
        #max child check
        while [ `jobs | grep Running | wc -l` -ge "$MAXCHILD" ]; do
          sleep 1

        #exec in backgroud
        (eval "$line")&
      rm $FIFO

      #fork if the runner is not running
      lsof $FIFO >/dev/null || ($0 "QueueRunner" "$MAXCHILD" "$FIFO" &)

      #send the command to the runner
      echo "$COMMAND" > $FIFO

    #Create the FIFO file
    [[ -e "$FIFO" ]] || mkfifo "$FIFO"

    #Start the runner if in the runner fork, else put the command in the queue
    [[ "$COMMAND" == "QueueRunner" ]] && runner || writer

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