
I'm trying to create a simple example with #officewriter #excelwriter and having trouble using the styles. Not sure why.

ExcelApplication XLAPP = new ExcelApplication();
Workbook WB = XLAPP.Create(); 
Worksheet WKST = WB.Worksheets[0];
DataSet ds = <...some valid dataset with 2 columns....>
DataView dv = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
DataImportProperties props = WB.CreateDataImportProperties();
SoftArtisans.OfficeWriter.ExcelWriter.Style dataStyle = WB.CreateStyle();
props.UseColumnNames = true;
dataStyle.BackgroundColor = Color.SystemColor.Red;
dataStyle.CellLocked = true;                 
Area importArea = WKST.ImportData(dv, WKST.Cells[0, 0],props);
XLAPP.Save(WB, Page.Response, "Output.xls", false);

Here's the problem: the color style works in the output but the CellLocked style does not. Why?

Thanks for any help. Frustrated - I thought this was a simple example!

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ExcelWriter is designed to mimic Excel, so usually the steps that you need to take in Excel to active certain properties are the same steps that you need to take in ExcelWriter.

In Excel, all the cells in a worksheet have the locked style property set, but that property will not take effect until the worksheet is protected. (Right click on a cell and go to Format Cells > Protection - the Locked property is checked, but the cells are not locked until you go to Review > Protect Sheet).

Similarly, in ExcelWriter, all the cells in Worksheet.Cells have the Style.CellLocked set to true by default, but that property will not take effect until Worksheet.Protect() is called. Once you protect the sheet, the cells should be locked.

ExcelApplication xlapp = new ExcelApplication();
Workbook wb = xlapp.Create(ExcelApplication.FileFormat.Xlsx);
Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets["Sheet1"];

//Currently, all the cells have default "locked" style set to true
//Protecting the worksheet will activate this property

xlapp.Save(wb, "ProtectedWorksheet.xlsx");

Since all the cells default to Locked, if you want to lock only an area of cells and not the entire worksheet, you will need to set Style.CellLocked to false on any cells that you want to leave unlocked. When the worksheet is protected, these cells will remain editable.

ExcelApplication xlapp = new ExcelApplication();
Workbook wb = xlapp.Open("MyWorkbook.xlsx");
Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];

//Create a style that will leave certain cells unlocked 
//when the worksheet is protected
Style unlockStyle = wb.CreateStyle();
unlockStyle.CellLocked = false;

//Select the area that will be left unprotected
//Apply the style to that area
Area unlockedArea = ws.PopulatedCells;

//Protect the worksheet

xlapp.Save(wb, "MyNewWorkbook.xlsx");

For more about protecting worksheets, we have a guide in our documentation: Protecting Your Worksheet.

Note: I work for SoftArtisans, makers of OfficeWriter.

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