
I'm not sure how to better phrase this question so it's possible I missed a previously asked question. Feel free to close this and point me to the correct one if it exists.

I have a table with two important columns (that is to say it has much more but only two is pertinent to this question). First column is a GUID (an id) and the second is a nvarchar (storing an URL). The combination of the ID and the URL has to be unique (so a same guid can be repeated but each row has a different URL and vice-versa but there cannot be more than one row of the same guid and URL).

Currently, before every INSERT, I do a SELECT to see if there exists a row with the same id and URL. However it looks like lookups on the nvarchar is slow. Therefore I think I will update the table to store an extra column which is filled in with the hash (SHA1) of the URL upon insertion. Now we only do a lookup on the smaller hash (varbinary?) which I assume will be significantly faster than before.

Is there a way to get SQL Server 2008 to automatically store the hash and do a lookup against that hash value instead of the actual text? I'm assuming that the indecies are b-trees, so what I'm asking for is for SQL Server to create the b-tree with the hash values of the text in the nvarchar field and when a select is run, it should calculate the hash and do a lookup in the tree with the hash value. Is this possible?

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If you do lookups on your (id, url) fields - do you have an index on those two columns?? If not - add one and see if that speeds up your lookups enough.

If not: yes, you can definitely get this functionality automagically - the magic word is: computed column.

In SQL Server, you can have columns that compute their values automatically, based on a formula you provide. This can be either just a simple arithmetic formula, or you can call a stored function to compute the value.

In order to make this fast for your checks, you would have to make sure you can make that computed column persisted - then you can index it, too. This excludes larger scale computations - the formula has to be clear, concise, and deterministic.

So, do this:

ALTER TABLE dbo.YourTable

Now your table has a new HashValue column (call it whatever you like), and you can select that value and inspect it.

Next put an index on that new column

  ON dbo.YourTable(HashValue)

Now your lookup should be flying!


could you just put a unique constraint on the table for those two columns and perform the insert inside of a try / catch block?

It would save you from the extra work of calculating the hash, and the extra space of storing it

You can have a trigger that calculates the hash on insert and update and puts it in if required.

In terms of stopping the insert just add a unique index on them

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